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I was squandering around my neighborhood, just pondering on my life. Do I deserve to be here? In the middle of my thoughts I realized I stood in front of her house. I decided to apologize. Seeing her mother wasn't home I knocked on the door. "Hold on!". She shouted. I heard barking and she finally opened the door. Her face dropped.

"Yes Christopher?". She sighed annoyed.

"I - I'm sorry".

"I know, come inside". She said. I Looked At Her Confused And Also Surprised In Her actions. I went inside as I saw a small pug come and greet me. "Hey" I said in an enthusiastic voice and rubbed it's head.

"Baby! Come here". I looked up thinking she was talking to me. Nope she was calling her dog. She put the dog in her room and sat on the couch with me.

"Alexis I'm sorry, but you my dis-".

"Chris shut up! Stop blaming everything on your disorder! No I'm not mad I realize your still trying to control your outburst, but you need to take responsibility for your actions! Yes you have disorders but your also getting those disorders medically treated! You need to realize that outburst you had was you! Not bipolar- mania, not bipolar- depression, but you!".

I sat there silent taking in everything she said.

"And you need to stop feeling sorry for yourself! If you want to get better act like it, your letting your disorder control your life, get a grip Christopher!".

"It's not that easy, you don't get it, you'll never understand!". I said on the verge of crying. She doesn't get it.

"Christopher I fucking get it! You do know your disorder is mental! You have to have a positive out look! Stop being such a pussy and GROW THE FUCK UP!". She pushed me, and was breathing hard and fast. Why was she acting like this? What happened to the shy girl I met a few weeks ago.


"I - I'm s-sorry, okay I-i-i-i-i".

"Aye calm down, your completely right, what you said is true, but...-". What she said was true,I need to listen more.

"Chris...I've been working so hard, to get rid of my disorder, it's been going good, I no longer go to therapy, and I may stop taking my pills, I feel you can do the same". She whispered.

"I realize yours are more severe, but find your sanity". She stated.


"Find your sanity, whether it's a person, an activity or an object, find it". I was slowly figuring out what she ment. I nodded my head and thought about it.

"What's yours?".



"Yes drawing Christopher".

"Will you help me find mine?". I asked with pleading eyes. She looked at me and shook her head no.

"I can't do that, you have to find it for yourself, but I will be here as your friend". She stated.

"Tell me what happened last night".


"Tell me what happens last night". I commanded. I wanted to know. He looked away.

"Open up to me chris, it's okay I'm here to listen". I was telling him to open up to me, yet I was hiding a heck of a lot from him. He has enough problems I didn't need to bore him with mine.

"M-my dad". I cringed at the word dad, but tried to stay strong for chris' sake.

"W-what about your d-dad". That word tasted like poison on my tongue.

"Him and my mom were arguing and things got violent, he blamed me, alexis, he said I was the reason this was happening so I ran away". I see where the route of the problem comes from, his father.


"Cuz it is my fault".

" only if you believe it is".

"I do".

"Well dont".

ChristopherWhere stories live. Discover now