Getting Ready

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Hades didn't think he had been this nervous since the launch of his company ... which was literally almost as old as he was (wow, he really needed to take more risks; that was just sad). Honestly, he wasn't sure if he was going to faint from nerves or dehydration from being in this leather and fur monstrosity. You'd think he'd get used to it after practicing his act at least 5 times on stage (and probably every single night since he made the bet), but it still felt like a sauna, and he wasn't even wearing the mask yet.

After the call with the producer of the Masked Singer, the last month had been a whirlwind of preparation. He had to help design his costume, learn his song, and choreograph a dance on top of working every single day (and avoiding Minthe by any means possible). At least he was distracted, he hadn't had time to even think about the break-up, let alone have second thoughts (so, in a way, this was exactly what he needed, but wouldn't tell Hecate that in a million years. She'd never let him live it down).

Somehow, he'd been able to deflect all of his brother's questions about the infamous bet, but it was exhausting doing this all in secret. The producers took it all so seriously it was almost funny. The security team around the building was probably bigger than the one that Zeus hired, and he was literally the most important person in Olympus. When they said they wanted to meet him, he was not expecting to be given directions to a random warehouse, and picked up in a minivan that he'd only ever seen a soccer mom drive so his car would be recognized. Did people really care that much?! At first he was looking forward to seeing who else had been dragged into this; maybe see a familiar b-grade celebrity he had met at one of Zeus' parties, but he soon realized this was never going to happen. Even after a month, he hadn't seen a single other performer! How in the Muses' names did they even do that; he felt like he was coming in here every other day.

Well, all of that had been leading up to this moment. He tugged anxiously at the leather gloves on his hands and straightened the frankly ridiculous black fur cape that was draped across his shoulders. A technician hurried up to him to help him fasten the microphone before Hades put his mask on. He was so sweaty, it was a miracle in itself that the mic-tape even stuck. He gave a tight lipped smile to the crew member, nerves clearly written across his face.

The first week or so, all of the nymphs had been terrified to even go near him. What could he say, he had a reputation and the constant scowl on his face really didn't help. Honestly the looks on their faces when they realized he was a competitor not some special judge was hilarious (it was even funnier when they realized they would have to help dress him). Though they originally were practically tip-toeing around him; nothing sparked comradery like trying to help someone into leather pants.

By the second week, he knew all of their names, hobbies, dreams, and practically their life stories, but he still couldn't wheedle a word about the competition out of any of them. He was going to miss them after this performance; he almost hoped he wouldn't get out (unfortunately, it was not up to him). The nymphs tried to tell him they thought his voice was incredible, but he was pretty sure they just wanted tips (I mean he WAS the god of wealth and they were broke university students, so he couldn't blame them).

"You're going to do phenomenal Hades!" Melody, the bubbly golden nymph helping him suit up, gushed. "I can't wait for the moment you open your mouth and the judges jaws drop to the floor," she said, smiling brightly.

"You don't need to flatter me Mel; you already know I'm going to pay off your student debt," Hades laughed as she turned a deep golden and spluttered indignantly.

"C'mon Hades, stop laughing, I'm serious!!! You're going to blow them off their feet; I'm honestly shocked you're not the god of music," she replied, still blushing furiously as she attached the black fur tail to one of the multiple black and silver belts around his waist.

"Knock it off, my egos already big enough," Hades said, turning a deep blue at her words. He knew she was just sucking up, but it still helped him settle his nerves a little. "I just need to do good enough that my brothers won't have THAT much blackmail ; it will be over before I know it," Hades thought to himself as he smoothed back his hair.

"Pssh, if your ego was any smaller, you'd need a microscope to see it," she teased back with a giggle. "Honestly Hades, you're way too humble; you've got real talent. I wouldn't be surprised if you win this thing. Poppy and I are your biggest fans," she said with a wink, straightening the collar of his leather jacket and chains.

"I hope I'm still invited to the wedding after I bomb this performance," Hades replied, grinning.

"You better show up mister; we need someone to sing at the after party," Melody answered in a faux-stern tone, "Now, I just have to fasten the mask and you're all set."

Hades gulped as she placed the wolf mask over his head with a flourish. Holy Hera, he couldn't believe this was actually happening.

"Go get 'em tiger, or should I say wolf," she said with a wink and a cheeky grin, "Can't wait to help you get ready next week."

"Maybe you'll see me in the crowd," Hades replied, with a chuckle as he strode out of the dressing room trying to hide the shaking in his knees. 

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