Bars and Bets

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A few hours and a quickly growing tab later, Hades sat with his arms flung over the shoulders of his brothers, laughing hysterically at absolutely nothing. His pile of empty glasses was significantly larger than either of his brothers, and Zeus and Poseidon shared a quick look over their drinks and grinned. It wasn't often that they got to see their brother lighten up, and it was always a treat to see him with at least a few of his walls down. Zeus hadn't heard him laugh in what felt like eons.

"Well, I think our mission is a success," Poseidon whispered to Zeus with a chuckle. They looked over as Hades began animatedly telling stories about his dogs. He gestured so vigorously that it almost caused the pyramid of bottles on the table to tumble onto the floor.

"Well, he definitely isn't moping over Minthe," replied Zeus laughing. They high fived as a very drunk Hades called the host over and began telling her about his new dog, clumsily showing her photos on his phone. "He's usually so moody when we go out; who knew he would be a fun drunk after a breakup?"

"Hey, I'm not complaining; when was the last time you saw him having fun?" Poseidon answered. "I kind of feel bad for the host; I think a billion picture of dogs was not what she was expecting when Hades said he wanted to show her something." Poseidon snorted as the host tried, once again, to flirt with the oblivious Hades and, instead, received another story about Cerberus.

"Should we save her?" Zeus chortled, "He can go on for hours about his babies."

"Hey, Aidon!" Poseidon called across the room. "Come over here; I have a question for you." Hades made his way over, only swaying a bit, leaving behind a very disappointed nymph very obviously staring at his ass.

"What's up bro," he said with a grin as he slid into the booth. It was a minor miracle he could still sit upright, but if anyone could handle alcohol, it was Hades (he had way too much practice).

"I have a proposition for you," Poseidon responded with a sly smirk.

"I'm listening," Hades responded, raising an eyebrow and flashing a contagious smile.

Poseidon couldn't help but laugh as he leaned in conspiratorially and said, "If you call Persephone right now and tell her how you feel about her, Zeus will fire Thetis and delete her number. HOWEVER, if you don't, you have to call Hecate and do the first thing she tells you to do, no matter how embarrassing."

"What?!" Zeus shouted indignantly as Hades choked on his drink. His feelings for Kore were no secret among the brothers, but, for Aphrodite's sake, he had literally just ended it with Minthe! There was also the whole eternal maiden thing that had to be considered.

"Aw shut up," Poseidon responded to Zeus with a glare. "We all know she wants to fuck you; we'll just stop you from breaking Hera's heart again as long as Aidon follows through."

Zeus deflated grumbling about Thetis, "just being really helpful," while Hades softened at the mention of Hera. They had always been... close, and he would never purposely hurt her. He bit his lip as he considered the options; his brain, clouded by the alcohol, swirled with images with the little pink goddess.

"Fine," he grumbled, shoulders slumping in defeat. He pulled out his phone, staring at it anxiously.

"One-second tiger, how do we know you'll hold up on your side of the deal if you chicken out," Zeus smirked, still salty that his brother had offered up the sea nymph. Poseidon glared at him about to say something when Hades cut him off,

"I swear on the river Styx that I will call Persephone and admit my feelings or do the first thing Hecate suggests," he said without a second thought. If he wasn't on his 13th shot, there's no way he would've done that. Zeus spat his drink across the table and coughed as he choked, and Poseidon nearly fell out of his chair.

"What the hell?!" screeched Zeus, "Why the fuck did you do that?!" It was common knowledge that, no matter how immortal or important you were, if you broke a deal on the river Styx, you were done.

"Well, now you know I won't cheat," Hades responded with a giggle, too plastered to realize what he had just done. Poseidon just held his head in his hands, resigned to the fact that he would have to tell Hades about this tomorrow. Dear gods, he was going to be pissed; Poseidon just hoped he had the guts to tell Persephone how he felt. At least it was Hecate and not some random assistant who got to choose what he would do, or this dumb bet honestly could've ended him.

Hades pulled up Persephone's contact on his phone, smiling drunkenly at her contact picture. Before he knew it, it was up against his ear ringing. Oh shit. He had no idea what he was going to say. What was he thinking? Why was he calling her? Oh my gods, please don't pick up; he prayed to no one in particular as he panicked.

"Hades? It's three in the morning, are you okay?" a sweet sleep-rumpled voice answered with a yawn. Holy Hypnos, he had woken her up. Without a second thought, he threw his phone across the room into the wall where it broke into countless pieces. The three brothers just sat in silence for a moment staring at the shattered phone on the floor until Zeus exploded at him.

"Why in Ares name did you do that?!" he shouted with his hands in his hair.

"I woke her up!!! I don't know what I was thinking, calling her at 3 AM, of course, she was asleep. Oh my gods, how am I going to look at her on Monday?! That literally broke one of the like four rules she set for us," Hades panicked as he flew from his seat, almost falling on his face in the process. He paced around the booth, anxiously running his hand through his hair, and muttered to himself.

"Well shit," Poseidon responded, "I guess we have to call Hecate. Luckily for you, I have her number because you absolutely destroyed your phone." Hades fell into his seat, groaning into his hands. His brothers could only see his ears, but, based on their dark hue, he was blushing furiously.

Meanwhile, in the underworld, Hecate was not pleased that her Friday night binge session was being interrupted by a call from one of the Big Three. However, as Poseidon explained the situation, a wicked grin crossed her face, and she glanced at the television. Serves him right for getting wasted with his brothers and interrupting me, she thought to herself as she asked Poseidon to pass the phone to Hades to tell him her request. 

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