Carpool Karaoke

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One of Hades' favorite parts of hanging out with his brothers was the drive there (how depressing is that). It's not that he didn't like hanging out with them, but nothing beat the feeling of driving over the empty highway from the Underworld to Olympus (shockingly most Olympians don't visit by choice). Surrounded by the barren endless fields of Asphodel, he could go one hundred miles per hour, and no one would blink an eye (not that they would stop the King of the Underworld). Most days, he had enough restraint to go just five above the speed limit, but, damn it, he needed this! Hey, if tonight was going to be all about Zeus (when was it not), at least he could unleash some frustration. He rolled down the windows, shook his car with the thundering bass, and floored it. If Hades had immortality, he might as well use it for something other than 2,000 years' worth of trauma and being a millennium too old for the first woman he'd had chemistry with. The only thing getting damaged if he crashed was his car (he had way too many anyway) and his pride. As he reached the acceleration lane, he switched to his driving playlist and blasted GO GO by Medusa and Kim. He whooped to the endless field filled with empty souls as he raced along the road. As the drums pounded and the wind blew through his hair, he couldn't help but yell along with the lyrics,

"We sing like mean it.

Just loud, without the sheen yeah

Took a look around this old town feeling bittersweet

Buy another round. There're some new lines down on Grand Street.

My friends, we sing the same song

And it's not for everyone

On my handlebars, watch out for bumps up in the road.

You closed your eyes told me, speed up, come on let's

Go, go, go

Because if we go, go, go

Go, go, go

He didn't care how good Zeus said hooking up with mortals felt; nothing could beat this. Just him and the music, doing whatever he wanted with no one around to judge him. A wide grin spread across his face, one the press and even his family rarely got to see, as the adrenaline rushed through his veins, and Hades hit 120 still singing into the darkness of the underworld. He'd have to take Big John out on a ride again soon; he loved the car but, it was such a pain to get his hair out of the seats. Too soon, the road started to grow brighter, and he slowed to a reasonable pace as he entered Olympus's busy highways. Rolling up his windows and lowering the music, he could not keep the smile off his face. A carefree laugh bubbled up as he glanced in the rearview mirror and realized the wind had returned his hair to the natural loose waves, and his eyes gleamed a sapphire red. Well, there was nothing he could do now but put on a pair of shades and hope no one recognized him (there was no chance; how many other blue gods hung out with the Big Three). He schooled his expression and parked next to the club, smirking to himself as he remembered the last time he had been here. He prayed to whoever was listening that Poseidon hadn't managed to break the mermaid tank again already.

Hades stepped out of the car and into the entrance of the club, giving a guilty smile to the hostess who had kicked them out last time.

"The first table on the right," she said with a small grin. Huh, the smile was new, though Hades could confidently say he preferred it to the terrified stuttering that usually happened when he talked with a nymph.

"Thanks a lot," he said, returning her grin with a charming smile of his own. He was still high on that feeling of invincibility that only a joy-ride could produce, but his good mood started to slip away as he saw Zeus staring moodily at him from across the room. Hades glanced at his watch to see he was five minutes late; there's no way his brother could be that mad. He sighed as Poseidon waved him over with his usual enthusiasm.

"Why the long face brother," Hades chuckled as he sat down next to Zeus, who was doing an incredible impression of a grumpy toddler. He aggressively stirred his drink and scowled into it as he took a long sip.

"He's just salty that nymph paid more attention to you than him. Love what you've done with your look by the way; were you going for hungover rockstar cause' if so, you nailed it," Poseidon smirked.

Zeus spluttered indignantly about "having a wife" and "just being upset that hades didn't show up on time," but, obviously, that was bullshit. Hades's entire face turned a deep blue as he glanced over at the host who winked at him with a light blush. Hades whipped around, now practically navy. He sunk low in his chair, anxiously running his hand through his hair in an attempt to tame it and straightening out his shirt, buttoning up one more button. Still blushing up to his ears, he mumbled something about her, "just being nice" and "wanting a large tip" (which he would obviously give because he was a gentleman).

Poseidon's shoulders shook with laughter as he pounded on the table, trying to get his breath back from cackling at his two clearly mortified brothers. Hades and Zeus just tossed back the first of many drinks for the night, blushing furiously, as Poseidon guffawed at them and ordered a round of shots.

"But seriously, bro," Poseidon said once he could actually breathe again, "You look good. I haven't seen you looking this laid back in years." The "before you started dating Minthe," went unsaid, but everyone at the table heard it loud and clear.

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