Chapter 19 - - Logan

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Chemistry was an interesting topic in my eyes, but today a teacher walked in a few minutes late and apologised, "Today Mx Chapman is ill, so I'll be taking the lesson, and I teach biology."

So instead, we learned about enzymes and their roles as biological catalysts. It was all things we already knew, but Patton seemed rather interested in the topic. I suppose their old school hadn't taught him about enzymes.

"What is she talking about," Patton whispered after leaning over toward me. It is possibly beneficial for the reader to know that we sat next to each other; Patton didn't just lean towards me from across the classroom.

"Enzymes," I whispered back matter of factly.

"Yeah I got that, but what are they," he whispered again. I sighed and wrote in the corner of my book
'Come to mine after school, I'll teach you so that you may understand it.'

Patton stuck up their thumbs and grinned.

"Boys! Mind sharing what it is you're talking about to the class?" this new teacher shouted at us.

"Well, Patton here isn't finding your methods of teaching satisfactory so he-"

"Excuse me?" they bellowed, and sent us out. Patton looked shaken.

"That was a but of an overreaction," I frowned.

"I've never been told off before," Patton trembled, looking down at his hands.

"It wasn't your fault, Pat, you were just confused is all," I reassured him, using the nickname they told me use for the first time. Some seniors who like to make fun of me for being studious wolf whistled at us and yelled,
"Logan's in trouble!"
Dragging out the trouble in a way I'm sure you can imagine. Patton told me to stop breaking the fourth wall and we continued to wait for our temporary teacher to come out and lecture us.

Eventually they did, and started going off on us about being disrespectful.

"Look, I see where you're coming from, but Patton just didn't understand what enzymes are and was asking me for help," I explained cooly.

"Well why don't you teach them, if you're so smart?" they snarled. They were being very unprofessional.

"Actually, I was going to," I retorted, having finally found the person more annoying than my dad. They looked like they were about to blow up, then calmed down.

"Well, you two can just stay out here and learn about enzymes without my help. Good luck," they sneered, dropping a heavy, dusty textbook at our feet.

"Ok, thank you teach," I smiled sappily up at them and they snorted, turning on their heel and storming back to the classroom.

Patton was physically shaking. I placed my hands on his arms and said calmly, "I'm going to teach you about enzymes, and the nasty teacher can't come and confuse you or tell you off."

I used language I'd use when dealing with a younger child, but it seemed to work as they giggled and picked up the textbook.

"Go on then, Mr Keen, learn me a thing," he smiled, holding the textbook out to me. I was going to correct him on his 'learn me a thing' but decided to get on with explaining enzymes instead.

"Wait, so emzymes are inside us? I thought they were a type of candy," Patton frowned, trying to wrap their head around the inedible wonder that was enzymes. I sympathised with his previous teachers, then continued on with our 'lesson'.

After a while, we had a proper lesson setup. I was stood in front of him and he sat on a chair, taking notes down in his notebook, but mostly doodling. This earned us weird look from passers-by, but it was effective and Patton learned what enzymes actually were, rather than thinking that they were a form of candy.

The bell rang and everyone else filed out of the room, then the teacher yelled 'detention after school!' at us as we made our way to second period. My first detention, and probably Patton's too.

Literacy went by without any hiccups, unlike the last period. Break figuratively rolled on, and Patton and I met up with Roman and Virgil, who'd also had their last two periods together. Patton told them the story of our first period between giggles, then sobered up when he remembered our detention.

"Patton, we just have to sit in the lab for twenty minutes then we'll be let out. It's not a large deal," I reasoned. He nodded, still looking down.

"So anyway, Roman, why are you staying with Virgil?" Patton asked. I wasn't going to ask as it was probably personal, and I don't care for that, but Mr Oblivious over here just went for it. Roman looked deeply uncomfortable and just said, "Family stuff, don't worry."

Well now I, the emotionless robot, was concerned for my friend. Wow, friend, that's new. They were turning me soft. I decided not to delve into it as Roman looked like he might die if anyone asked him more questions.

"Do either of you have a job?" asked Virgil to us suddenly.

"Well, I do help out at my dad's Starbucks with pay on Wednesdays and Thursdays, but other than that, no," I responded, and Patton just shook their head. Virgil nodded, then looked deep in thought.

"It wouldn't be, like, weird to get a job, would it?" he asked.

"Not at all, taking on a minimum wage job is common when you're our age, although we can't work a hazardous job," I explained to him. He nodded again.

"Why do you ask?"

"Why do you think I ask?"

"Well, either you're interested in getting a job or someone you know who's our age a got a job," I said, not realising it was a rhetorical question.

We talked a little longer until the third period bell rang.

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