Chapter 001

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A/n: Writing fanfic is hella hard when you have to write everything in the correct order and so on. Therefor is this story a mix of things I've come up with and things that are originally in the movie, and NOT in the correct order. Thanks for your understanding! 💕

I open my eyes and for a second I forget where I am. Then I feel the familiar hardness of metal agasint my back. I'm in an Aerospatiale, on my way to Pandora for my first mission. I've been trained a long time for this and am familiar with my Avatar body, which looks better than I look in human form. There is really no reason for that because my DNA is mixed with the DNA of a Na'vi, which means that I am as big and blue like any other Na'vi, but my looks are from my DNA. Yeah, I know, confusing. 

"Isn't this just beautiful?" I hear Grace say dreamy. I look out the open door and I'm stunned. Grace looks over to me and laughs. 

"Earth once was this beautiful," she tells me. "Believe it or not."

We are flying over a land of forest, which seems to cover the whole planet. Trudy dodges the flying rocks, which I remember Grace called the Hallelujah Mountains, with ease. Birds, or what I assume are birds, fly past us with such grace that it looks like they are floating.

I look over to Jake, who looks as stunned as I am. 

I'm so caught up in the beautiful nature that I don't notice that we are landing. Grace snaps me out of my thoughts. 

"Let's go," she shouts over the sound of the propeller. 

I, Norm, and Jake follow her out of the aircraft. 

"Shut it down, we are staying here a while," Grace tells Trudy. 

I take in my surroundings. For the first time in a very long time, seems like an eternity ago, I can take a deep breath and smell the soft and sweet air of nature, not the smell of musty metal and plastic.

We follow Grace into the forest. She talks with Norm about the life and plants in Pandora but I don't pay much attention to her. As we walk I grace my fingers over what looks like grass. I'm fascinated by the way this place can be so calm and...soft. I'm hit with a feeling of guilt. I don't know where that comes from, but when looking at this planet I understand how much we really have destroyed earth. Not only earth, parts of this planet, too. 

Jake comes close to me. 

"What are you thinking about?" he asks. I look over at him before looking back at nature. 

"How can a place be so beautiful, yet so vulnerable," I say. It came out more like a statement than I question. 

"I understand what you mean." 

We continue in silence following Norm and Grace through the forest. As we are walking something catches my eye. Something big and black. I nudge Jake in the side to get his attention. When I do and he sees what I'm looking at the calls over to Grace and Norm. They turn towards us. Grace notices what we are seeing and fear plasters her face. The animal, which I notice is a Thanator has also noticed me and Jake. 

"Definitely run," Grace shouts. 

I and Jake slowly step away from the Thanator. He moves towards us. I grab Jake by the arm and we start to sprint through the forest. I trip a few times over branches but can hold myself upright. As we run I can hear the creature right behind us. We won't be able to outrun it, I think to myself. There must be something. That's when I see it; a big tree with roots sticking up from under it. I lead Jake there and we crawl under the roots, hoping that they will keep the Thanator away. It comes to a stop before the tree. It tries to grab us with its claws and teeth. 

"This won't keep him back for long, we have to run," I tell Jake.

We crawl out from under the tree and continue our sprint. The Thanator is after us again when he notices we have escaped. We reach a waterfall. I give Jake a quick look. He looks back at me and takes my hand. Together we jump. 

The lukewarm water surrounds us. 

"Jake!" I call out as I reach the surface. "Jake!"

I'm starting to panic when his head suddenly breaks the surface. He swims to the other side of the lake. I waste no time. I continue my expedition through the forest. Jake can take care of himself, as do I. 

I hear hoofs behind me and twirl around quickly. I'm relieved when I see that it's Na'vi men. Three of them. All three of them are aiming their bows at me. 

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