Chapter 007

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"Be my mate," he whispers against my neck. He sucks on my jawline and places kiss after kiss on my cheek to my lips. He bits my lower lip lightly. I take his face in my hands, forcing him to look up at me. His thumb is moving in circles over my leg. 

"Would you want that?" I say in disbelief, like I don't trust him. To be honest, I don't. For the past few days he wanted to keep it all a secret. I know he is a little ashamed, just like me, that he fell in love with me when he is supposed to mate Neytiri and become a leader. Well, was supposed to mate Neytiri. Now she is with Jake.

He caresses my cheek with his thumb. I take my hands away from his face to take his. 

"That would make me the happiest Na'vi in whole Pandora." We stare into each other's eyes for a while, before a bright smile breaks out on my face. I throw myself in his arms and wrap my arms around his neck. He pulls me close to him. 

"I take that as a yes?" He says between laughter. I take his face in my hands and lean my head against his forehead. 

"Yes, I would love being your mate." 

We stand a while, in each other's arms, just breathing. 

"Oel ngati kameie," (I see you) he whispers.

"Oel ngati kameie." He kisses my forehead, pulling me closer to him, if physical possible. 


When we come back to the Hometree we are like magnets, earning looks from everyone we pass. I don't know how they might now, if they know. Then I feel Tsu'teys' hand in mine. I look up at him. He looks back down and gives a nod. He takes me to Eytukan and Mo'at, letting my hand go. I look around, finding Jake and Grace. Grace gives me a questionable look. I look away before I regret my decision. Taking Tsu'tey to my mate. Even though we haven't mated yet, I feel like that will happen soon. 

I turn to walk and stand with the clan but Tsu'tey stops me. I look up into his eyes that are telling me to stay. He turns back to the leader and starts speaking in a clear voice, in Na'vi.

"Olo'eytkan," he starts. "I hope you still will choose me as the new leader, after you. I've decided that I want (Y/n) by my side." He stands tall. Hometree has gone quiet and I'm starting to get nervous. There can be heard gasps. What if Tsu'tey will lose his position as the next leader? What if Eytukan and Mo'at doesn't want us to mate? Eventually Eytukan speaks up, his face hard to read. 

"Tsu'tey, you will always be like a son to me, a born leader. My daughter has chosen her path, just like you have to choose yours and if (Y/n) is your path, so be it," he speaks in Na'vi. I feel Tsu'tey relaxing at my side. I let out a big breath, that I didn't know I was holding. 

I hug Tsu'teys' hand tight. He hugs back, drawing circles with his thumb. 


A/n: Sorry for this really short chapter, again. I had to publish something.

I promise that the next one will be longer!

I see you <3

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