Chapter 005

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I'm accepted by the Omaticaya clan, by Eytukan and Mo'at. To fully finish the training you'll have to climb up the Hallelujah Mountains and befriend your own Ikran, or Mountain Banshee. This ritual is called Iknimaya.

I'm walking after Tsu'tey and other young warriors and hunters who have been accepted. Gracefully we climb up the mountain. Just like the first time am I caught by surprise by the beauty of Pandora. I almost stop to take it all in. The wind blows through my hair and kisses my face. Tsu'tey looks back at me. He gives me a look, telling me to continue. I do as I'm told and continue the last bit up the mountain. There, I'm caught by surprise once more. In front of us are the most beautiful creatures I've ever seen. Mountain Banshees. 

Tsu'tey sends the first Na'vi forward to find its Ikran. I try to focus on what he is doing but another catches my attention. It's a purple Ikran, passing me peacefully through the sky. It lands on the side of the mountain before pushing itself away and diving. Eventually it comes up again and loops in the air. A while later it lands on the mountain. I'm so caught up looking at the Mountain Banshee that I don't notice it's my turn. 

"(Y/n)," Tsu'teys' voice breaks through the trance. 

I snap out of my thoughts and walk up to him. He gives me a Banshee catcher. As I take it his fingers grace against me softly. I don't think it was a coincidence. I look up into his eyes. He gives me a quick nod. I walk up to the purple Ikran. She notices me and turns. I slowly walk at her, with my hand stretch out to her. I hide the Banshee catcher behind my back. The Ikran stands tall, and flaps his two big wings at me before going snapping after my hand. I pull my hand back and grab the Banshee catcher with both my hands. The Ikran gives out a warcry before jumping at me. I jump back but am to slow. She pushes me to the grown and I'm now under her. She snaps at me. I quickly dodge her teeth and put the Banshee catcher at her throat. This gets her off guard. I take this to my advantage and roll away from her. I quickly stand up. This time I am the one leading. When I back away from her I hear stones rolling down the mountain. Shit, I'm trapped.

I have to think fast. If I back any further I will fall, if I move forward there is a big possibility that she will kill me. I do the first thing that comes in mind; I hiss at her and quickly rush up to her. Without hasitateing I strap the Banshee catcher around her jaw to restrain it. With my other hand I cover her eyes. She tries to get free. Carefully and slowly I mount her. She tries shaking me off. I connect our Queues. I instantly feel the Tsaheylu. I'm sure she feels it too, because she relaxes and lays down on the ground. I let her calm down until I take off the Banshee catcher and my hand away from her eyes. 

"Good girl," I coo. Let's fly, I think to her. 

She walks up to the edge and leaps off. Just like she did before she shoots like an arrow through the sky. The word freedom comes to my mind and gets a whole other meaning to me. I laugh and let out a warcry of excitement when she twirls around in the sky. 

Ziao, I think. She does a big loop. I take that, that she likes the name. Ziao. 

I hear flapping wings behind me. I turn my head to find Tsu'tey flying behind me. I give him a bright smile as I tell Ziao to go faster. She cries out to Tsu'teys' Ikran, who calls back. We race through the sky. As I think I have the lead, Tsu'tey flies past me with such a speed I don't notice him at first. I call out for him with one of the sounds the Na'vi use to communicate. 

We don't want him to win, do we? I ask Ziao. She races faster, catching up with Tsu'tey. When she  does she loops around him. 

As we reach the Hallelujah Mountains again we dismount our Ikrans' and walk back to the Hometree with the rest of the group.


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