Chapter 013

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The Na'vi won the war. Jake almost died, saving Neytiri, who later saved him. He is now forever in his Avatar body. No, not Avatar. Na'vi. 

We forced the humans back to earth, back where they belong. 

I still think about Tsu'tey time to time. He will forever be in my mind. I now understand that his death was his faith, it always has been. He fought and died a warrior, just like he always wanted. Like he was trained to do. 

Sometimes I go back to the Tree of Souls, praying to Eywa to keep him safe. I know she can hear me. Jake showed me that. He is the reason we won; he believed, believed in Eywa. 

With the help of the clan we managed to bring Tsu'teys body here, to the Tree of Souls. We managed to save his soul, not his body. 

His soul, with the other Na'vi souls, are with Eywa now. 

I know he's somewhere watching over me. I refuse to believe that he's fully gone. I refuse to believe that I've lost him. 


I sit under the Tree of Souls. I connect my tsaheylu with the tree. Whenever I'm here I feel relaxed. I close my eyes and just breath. In a way I feel closer to Tsu'tey then I ever have. 

"It's hard without you, but I manage to get by," I say. I usually talk to the tree, hoping Tsu'tey will hear me. I look up at the tree. 

"I miss you," I continue in Na'vi. Tears sting my eyes. I feel something tickling my arm, on my wound. It is healed now.

I look there and see a white seed from Eywa. More land on my body. One lands on my face, wipes the tears away from my cheek. I smile. Even though it's not Tsu'teys hands, I know it's him. I close my eyes and remember the way he touched me, the way his hands and lips felt on me. 

Even tough it's just for a moment, I'm seeing him before me, smiling, touching my cheek and kissing my forehead, it still feels like a lifetime. I've not seen him like this, before me, like he's really here. 

I hear footsteps behind me. Eywa flies away as I turn around. There is Neytiri. She walks up to me and kneels down on the rock. I quickly wipe the tears that are left on my cheeks away. 

"We all miss him," she says in Na'vi. 

Neytiri and I have gotten close after the war.  We both lost so much. People we loved, we love. We lost our family, our home. 

I look over at her. Moments pass, neither of us speaking. 

Not long ago I held a speech for all the fallen soldiers and was named the clans leader. 

Only a few weeks ago I was only a girl, sent to Pandora to gather information. Now I'm the leader of a united Na'vi family. 

I will lead my people, just like I promised Tsu'tey I would.


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