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FOR AS LONG AS UZUME COULD REMEMBER, it's always been her and Azula. It's never been her and Mai or her and Ty Lee. Sure, there were small moments in her life where it was her and Zuko, but she preferred to forget those after Azula told her how Zuko feels about her. Whenever she did remember, it felt like her heart was being actively ripped out.

    She was so young, so impressionable. She truly believed that the prince had felt something for her. The smiles and shared giggles, the compliments and conversations, his blushes and shyness. Apparently it all meant nothing.

       Uzume, now 14, stared into the mirror with hatred in her eyes. Was it even true? What Azula had said, was it true? The way Zuko acted with her when he saw her made her question everything, his words to her... Azula always lies. Was it even true? That Azula has never lied to her. Zuko had caressed her face, looked her in the eyes, and told her that the only person who really talked to her always lies. Azula looked away from her and said she'd never lie to her.

        Do Mai and Ty Lee even find her annoying? Mai finds everyone annoying but painted her nails. Ty Lee was over affectionate and called her Uzu. Why is she so dumb? Believing everything Azula has spewed.

     But why would Azula lie to her? What does she gain?

      Uzume's tired eyes took in her appearance. She looked tired and stressed. Maybe Azula never lied, maybe people's opinions just changed?

     Uzume nodded, thats it. Azula never lied, people just changed. So maybe she can be friendlier with Mai and Ty Lee? Maybe when they find Zuko again they can continue what they had when he was 13 and she was 11.

     There's no reason for Azula to lie... Azula would never.


     "This drill is a feat of scientific ingenuity and raw destructive power. Once it tunnels through the wall, our troops will storm their city. The Earth kingdom will finally fall, and you can claim Ba Sing Se in the name of your father. Nothing can stop us."

     Uzume sighed, tucking her hair behind her ear. She picked at a hangnail with anxiety, nervous of the take over of Ba Sing Se. When Azula and her caught up with Mai and Ty Lee, who were drifting in a stream that the Avatar's bison apparently blew them into, Azula had decided to pause the chase for the Avatar and try something not even her uncle could do.

       Uzume's racing thoughts were paused when she felt Azula put her hand on her head, almost as if she were petting her. Mai raised an eyebrow looking Uzume in the eyes with a questioning look, to which Uzume shrugged. Ever since Uzume questioned Azula's honesty, Azula had been keeping Uzume by her side. It was like Azula was keeping her on a leash, like she feared Uzume would leave.

      "Hmm. What about those muscle-y guys down there?" Ty Lee spoke from the other side of Uzume. The perky brunette was looking through a periscope that gave them an outside view of the drill

      War Minister Qin rudely snatched the periscope from Ty Lee's hands, "Please, the drill's metal shell is impervious to any earthbending attack." Uzume glared at him, angry at his attitude to such an important person in the fire nation.

      "Oh, I'm sure it is War Minister Qin. But just to be on the safe side..." Azula spoke down to the War Minister, "Uzume, Mai, Ty Lee, take the earthbenders out!"

      Uzume stood, swatting Azula's hand from her head and stretched.

      "Finally, something to do." Mai said. Azula watched her three friends gather their gear, satisfied with their loyalty.

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