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      THE YOUNG BRUNETTE SANG SOFTLY as her friend brushed her hair. The two were content, peaceful even, as they enjoyed each others company. 

    The brunette paused her singing, "Azula, who will be the next Firelord now that Zuzu is gone?"

     The other young girl, Azula, yanked the hairbrush in her friend's hair harshly, causing her to flinch, "Me, of course." Azula gloated, "Why do you ask, Uzume?" 

    Uzume took in a deep breath, debating if she should reveal her dream to Azula. Then, there was a knock on the door.

     "Girls, I'm here with your snacks." A servant spoke through the door, averting Azula's attention from Uzume.


     Azula held a clump of white fur, nonchalantly speaking, "My, my, you're easy to find. It's really astounding my brother hasn't captured you yet."

  After the defeat of Ba Sing Se, the girls regrouped and debated how'd they get to the Avatar if he was in the walls. War Minister Qin had informed them they had found a trail of bison fur, and Azula, knowing she couldn't get into the walls, decided to follow the bison in case of the Avatar being with it.

   In front of them was a bunch of girls dressed in armor and Kyoshi face paint. No Aang Uzume noted, studying the scene. The warriors drop as one into combat stances, unfurling their fans and shields.

     "What do you want with us?" The leader asked.

       "Who are you, the Avatar's fan girls?" Azula mocked, angered at the lack of Avatar. Ty Lee's face dimmed in confusion as she mulled over Azula's words before she noticed the fans in the warriors hands, "Oh, I get it! I get it. Good one, Azula!" Uzume sighed and shook her head, placing a hand on the girl's shoulder to calm her excitement down.

     "If you are looking for the Avatar, you're out of luck." The leader spoke again, a fierce look in her eyes.

    Mai sighed despondently, "I knew this was a waste of time."

   "No Avatar huh?" Azula shrugs, "Well that's okay, any friend of the Avatar is an enemy of mine."

    "Azula, wait-" Uzume shouted before Azula leaped from her saddle, sending a blast of blue fire towards the warriors. Uzume groaned, running her hands down her face, "Why do we always have to fight?" Uzume shouted amidst the chaos, watching Mai and Ty Lee diss the warriors.

      A Kyoshi warrior ran at Uzume, causing the girl to panic and send a series of jabs at her pressure points, "I'm so sorry!" Uzume kneeled beside the paralyzed warrior who glared at the brunette, "You scared me and I- Oh my Agni!" Uzume ducked as a fan blade was sent flying at her, sticking into the tree behind her. Uzume grabbed the fan and studied it,

    "Hey this is a really cool fan! Not cooler than mine but-" She again was cut off by a warrior trying to high kick her head. Uzume caught the leg before it made contact with her head and pushed the warrior back, "I'm really not trying to fight you guys." Uzume exclaimed.

   Uzume noticed the Avatar's bison freaking out, so she ran towards it. The bison, noticing the fire nation female charging towards him let out a yelp, causing Uzume's eyes to widen.

    "Ba Sing Se," Uzume said, panicked, "He's in Ba Sing Se."

   The bison's eyes widened at her words, ready to take off before he analyzed the fight in front of him. The warriors, his friends, fighting for him. He couldn't just leave them. The leader, noticing the bison hesitate, drew her sword and shouted, "Go Appa! Fly away from here! Get out of here!"

     Appa began to fly until he saw Azula beating his friend. Uzume, noticing the look in Azula's eyes as Appa began to fly back, picked up a burning branch and waved it in front of the bison.

The leader, in the middle of her battle, caught Uzume's actions and smiled a little to herself, then shouted to Appa, "Get out of here! You have to find Aang! We'll be ok!"

       Appa flew off into the sky, causing Uzume to smile in relief. She made eye contact with the leader and they nodded at each other. Distracted, the Kyoshi warrior hardly had enough time to block Azula's fire with her shield. She staggered backwards and unfolded her fan.

    "Don't you know that fans just make flames stronger?" Azula mocked, raising her hand to end the leader's life.

      Uzume ran in front of the tired warrior, grabbed Azula's wrist tightly, and redirected her fire to a random tree.

        "Azula stop." Uzume spoke firmly. Uzume shook her head slowly at the Fire Princess in front of her, "Ending her life won't help. Let them go... how do we know they even know the Avatar?"

      Azula glared down at the dancer in front of her. She took her free hand and swung it at her temple, knocking Uzume out.

      The leader of the Kyoshi warriors gasped at the violence Azula used against her own friend, watching helplessly as the short girl's body fell to the dirt.

       "Mai, contact your uncle and tell him he's got a new inmate," Azula glared down at the girl in Kyoshi makeup, "The others shall be separated from their leader. Ty Lee, help me take 4 uniforms. We have a city to conquer."


       Uzume woke with a hiss, eyes clenching to block out the light. She took note of her throbbing head as she slowly opened her eyes, taking in the unfamiliar surroundings. She looked down and saw herself in Kyoshi armor,

      "What the fu-"

    "You're up!" Ty Lee exclaimed, wrapping her arms around her friend. Uzume chuckled and noticed the Kyoshi makeup on Ty Lee's face, "Yeah... where are we?"

      "Ba Sing Se." A cold voice said. Uzume looked away from Ty Lee and noticed her other two friends dressed in Kyoshi get up.

     "Azula's so smart! She disguised us as Kyoshi warriors and said we're protecting the earth king. To make it more believable, she said you were injured during a battle! Now, not only are we in Ba Sing Se, but we're also in the palace." Ty Lee ranted about Azula's accomplishments. Ty Lee would have continued if it weren't for Azula cutting in.

       "Mai, Ty Lee. May I speak to Uzume in private?" Mai mumbled a whatever and got up and Ty Lee's smile faded as she followed her bored friend.

      Uzume studied Azula's straight face as she removed her makeup. She slowly sat herself up in the bed, wincing at the throbbing headache she had.

      "Do you remember what happened?" Azula asked after the two sat in silence for a few minutes. Uzume shook her head, "No, Azula."

      Azula smirked to herself in the mirror, "You let the Avatar's bison get away. Then, a Kyoshi warrior knocked you out. Do you know why?"

     Uzume shook her head again.

         "Because you disobeyed me and showed weakness on the field. The warrior used it against you. If you listen to what I say all the time, then this would never happen." Azula lectured Uzume, staring at the girl's reflection in the mirror. Uzume looked at her hands in shame, mind racing.

     "Obey me Uzume, then this would never happen again. Do you understand." Azula paused, waiting for an answer. Not receiving one, she turned harshly and glared at Uzume with fire in her eyes, "I said do you understand!"

     Uzume flinched, tears filling her eyes. Azula's face softened, however, her eyes still had a crazy look in them. Azula softly caressed Uzume's face, "I'm just trying to protect you. I'm doing what Zuko never had the guts to do." Azula paused, "Why do you even love him? Because of a silly childhood crush?" Azula sighed, grip on Uzume's cheeks tightening, "I'm going to ask one more time. Do you understand." Not receiving a response again, Azula grunted, shoved Uzume's face away, and slammed the door shut behind her.

     Uzume lifted her head, glaring at where Azula once stood, "I understand." She whispered to herself, a determined glint in her eye as she thought over the lies Azula had told her about the Kyoshi warrior. Uzume gripped the sheets under her hands.

    "I completely understand now." 

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