Letter to Zuko

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Dear Zuko,

If you're getting this letter, it's because you have done the right thing and you're listening to you're uncle. The path you are on now is the correct one. However, if anything horrible were to happen to me or you, I just want to tell you how much I love you.

I've loved you the second you tripped in front of me and cried to you're uncle. I've loved you since you let me play as the knight who saved you. I've loved you since you held me in Ba Sing Se.

I have loved you even when Azula held me back. I have loved you even when you were banished. I have loved you since I've known what love feels like.

I will always love you.

The path we are on is a difficult one, but no matter what you do, I will always love you.

It breaks my heart that I can't say goodbye to you in person. However, I have hope that we will see each other again, hopefully living in peace with Aang.



p.s. i would love to get married to you the second the war is over.

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