Brittle Resolve

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   Four men in black, with ski masks on their heads, tied to a lamp post. 

Raven waited shortly until the police arrive. She uses her magic to bind and carry the men out of their temporary prison so the police can handcuff them and take them away.

As the last one is being put into one of the cruisers, civilians, and police officers themselves gathered around the magus and start bombarding her with questions about Robin's predicament.

"When will Mr.Robin be back?" asked a police officer.

"Is he going to be OK? Can we visit him in the hospital sometimes, Ms.Raven?" asked a girl.

"Can we bring him presents?" asked another.

Raven answers all the flood of questions blithely; she was so pleased to see that Robin's city utterly concerned of his well-being, keen on hearing any news of his health and when he will be back in action.

"Robin will forever be appreciative for your act, I'm certain he will be very pleased when I tell him that," announced Raven. "But I'm afraid you can't go; he needs rest. But I'll bring him all the get-well stuff you send him and we'll bring you news on how he's going, of course, we won't force you to do such thing."

There was a murmur of agreement amongst the civilians and they all promised to bring something for their protector for his many acts of thoughtfulness and satiated gratitude for the hard work he bestowed upon ensuring this city's safety. 

Raven accompanies the people out of the crime scene, chatting animatedly with them. They all bid her a smile with a slow wave; she waves them goodbye with a toothy grin (causing her simps to pass out) before she swirls her cape around herself and vanished into the floor. 

When she made it back to the Tower and emerges from the ground, her grin vanishes. 

Around this time, the stone pathway should be irradiated with the lights that shine through the gigantic windows. Raven gazes at the façade of the Titans household; the windows were dark and noiseless.

Raven quietly went straight to her bedroom and swiftly takes a warm shower. By the time she descends the flight of stairs, the setting sun had shed the last of its yellow light and the Tower was plunging into a bluish-black tint as the encompassing darkness has blotted out all but the faintest light. Dark clouds stretched over the sky, hiding the full moon in its full glory behind them, giving it a hazy ominous feel. Raven couldn't find the energy to switch on the lights, but she finds her way to the kitchen without treading onto something and takes the kettle from its stand and brings it to the faucet.

The darkness and silence of the tower created a hole in Raven's heart; she closes her eyes, letting her mind fill with the sounds that usually fill the household at this hour: the sound of a knife on a chopping board, the clanging of pots and pans of the stove or on the countertop, the loud music and game noises that filled the air coming from the television in the living room... 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2022 ⏰

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