Black Coffee Please

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It was slower than usual for the small cafe today, only a handful of animals were there this afternoon. Though it's not like Legosi disliked that in his shop, quiet days were always welcomed every once in a while.

Legosi adjusted his glasses as he continued to read his newspaper behind the counter. The light chatters of the animals inside were a calming white noise to Legosi's ears and with the aroma of coffee drifting through the air, it made for quite a relaxing atmosphere in the cafe.

The bell on the entrance rang as the door opened.

Legosi took his eyes off the newspaper and looked up to see the new customer that just entered.

"Wellll..." Legosi's breath got caught in his throat as he saw the customer, "...come.."

The animal that just entered was a red deer wearing a suit. He observed the inside of the cafe from the entrance for a brief moment, before sitting gracefully on the bar stool in front of the counter.

All Legosi could do was stare at the deer as he walked in and sat down in front of him across the counter. He eyed him up and down... Well, as low as the counter between them would allow him to. The deer was.. stunning to say the least. his antlers, his brown fur, his sharp eyes, his everything.

The deer was leaning forward on his elbows, resting his chin on his right hand, staring back into Legosi's eyes with his own brown eyes.

'Brown' Legosi thought to himself.

Seconds passed before the deer finally spoke, "Are you going to just stare, or are you going to take my order?"

Legosi snapped out of his stupor and readjusted his glasses with shaking hands, "O-oh, y-yeah! Um, m-may i take your order sir?"

"Just black coffee is fine please," the deer said.

"C-coming right up," Legosi put down the newspaper he was still holding and turned around to the equipment behind the counter to work on the order. His ears were flat against his head and his tail was curled between his legs. The wolf couldn't see it, but he could definitely feel the deer's eye on him, making him unable to focus on brewing the coffee.

The deer behind him continued to stare curiously at Legosi, eyeing him from top to bottom. It was new to him, seeing such a large carnivore so nervous and submissive in front of a small herbivore like him. And he couldn't get enough of it already.

Legosi finally finished and served the black coffee to the deer, almost spilling it when he put it down, "H-here you go sir."

He took a sip from the hot drink, releasing a content sigh afterwards, "Thanks, it's good."

Legosi's tail wagged at the praise, his mouth tilted up into a small, "T-Thank you, it's my job to make you good coffee after all."

Legosi turned around again to reorganize his equipment. He didn't know why, but he couldn't help but to glance back at the deer again and again while he was reorganizing.

The deer, of course, noticed each time he did it. As the wolf wasn't exactly subtle about his glances and stares.


Legosi turned to face the deer, "hmm?"

The deer put down his cup back on the counter after taking another sip, "Do you always stare at your customers like this? Or am I getting some kind of special treatment?"

"Ah, oh, um.." Legosi looked down to the floor in shame and rubbed his nape, His ears drooped. "I, I didn't mean too. Sorry, that was rude of me."

The deer chuckled, "It's fine, I did stare back as payback," he took another sip of his drink, "What's your name?"

"Huh?" Legosi looked back up

"Your name. Don't tell me you don't even know that," he joked.

"O-Oh," The wolf's ears flickered, his eyes glanced sideways to avoid the deer's gaze. "I-It's Legosi.. sir"

The deer hummed as a response, and continued to drink his coffee.

Legosi couldn't help but want to know the deer's name as well, "A-and you sir? What's your name?"

"It's Louis"

"Louis...Louis.." Legosi repeated . He could get used to saying his name, it sounded so.. natural coming from his mouth.

The deer smirked, "Do you like my name that much?"

Legosi snapped out of his thought and shook his head, "N-no! It's.. I was just.. sorry about that, Louis-san."

"Just Louis is fine."

Legosi nodded, "Alright then, L-Louis"

The deer hummed, enjoying the sound of his name coming from the wolf.

Louis finished the rest of his coffee and got off his stool, "Well, this place was quite nice. But.." he gazed at Legosi with half lidded eyes. "You definitely caught my attention~"

Legosi shivered under the deer's intense gaze.

Louis smirked, relishing in his newfound power over the wolf in front of him, "Well, I must go now. Thank you for your service Legosi." he waved before he exited the cafe.

Legosi waved back, his tail wagging lightly behind him, "Please come again Louis-sa-, I mean Louis"

The door closed.

Legosi gazed at the door for a few moments, his tail and ears drooping now after realizing that the deer's gone. He also just realized, that he didn't get his phone number or anything of the like to contact Louis. So he could only hope, that the deer would come back here again, if he wanted to see Louis again

The wolf sighed and started to clean the counter, but suddenly stopped after noticing some money and a slip of paper stuck under the cup that the deer previously used. there was something written on the paper.

Here's a tip.

Something else was written under it, with a heart at the end.

I'll come again tomorrow~

Legosi's face went red and he could feel his tail wagging wildly behind him as he read the paper.

Well, if the wolf wasn't looking forward to tomorrow before, he certainly is now.

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