Good Boy

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"Hmm~ hmm~" Legosi was humming a song cheerfully while cleaning the empty counter and tables, his tail lightly wagging behind him.

A golden labrador retriever was rearranging the ingredients on the shelfs behind the counter.

"Thanks for helping out again today Jack, I appreciate it." Legosi said.

"No biggie. I didn't have anything to do today anyway, might as well spend it with my best friend right?" the retriever replied with a grin. "Besides, I get some of your free coffee and homemade pastries by doing this, so it's a win-win for me!"

"Mmhmm~," Legosi smiled back and nodded. He went back to cleaning, still humming and wagging his tail.

"..." Jack silently watched the wolf with a smile.

It was pretty rare to see the wolf in such a good mood, he was usually all quiet and gloomy.

"You've been in a good mood the entire day Legosi. Did something good happen recently?"

He stopped humming, "H-huh? I guess you can say that.."

"With the way your tail's wagging and everything, I can only guess you're in love or something!" The retriever laughed.

Legosi entire body froze at the mention of the word 'Love' from the retriever. He was forced to wonder, was that really what he was feeling this entire time? Is that why he was looking forward to meeting the deer again so much since the start of today?

"Just imagine. You, Legosi, finally being in love." Jack continued to laugh, but he immediately went quiet after seeing Legosi froze. His eyes widened, "Wait.. you can't be serious? Are you actually-"

"Nope" The wolf shook his head.

A big grin appeared on the retriever's face, "Oh c'mon, you are aren't-!"

"It's nothing!"

Some of the animals inside started to stare at the two, curious to know what the commotion was about.

Jack's tail wagged excitedly behind him, "In the 20 years that you've lived you're finally in love! Who is it?! Is it-"

"The customers are staring, Jack" He hissed.

Jack huffed and pointed a finger at the wolf, "You better tell me later then!"

"Fine fine! Just calm down!"

The two were silent afterwards. They each managed to calm down before going back to their own tasks. The atmosphere in the cafe thankfully went back to normal, and all the other animals got back to what they were doing before they were staring at the two canines.

"So.. mind telling me now?" Jack whispered.

Legosi sighed, "You said Later."



Legosi glanced again to the clock on the wall while manning the counter.

03:17 PM

The deer came here around this time yesterday, so he should probably be coming soon. Legosi was looking forward to meeting him again, but he was also growing anxious. He couldn't stand still, he fidgeted and shifted his weight left and right.

Something about Louis made him feel.. admittedly a bit scared, the deer's gazes were intimidating. But he can't deny that his stares were also enticing and captivating, and that they made him feel.... excited, made him feel wanted. Which he never really experienced before.

Blended  (Beastars Cafe AU)Where stories live. Discover now