A Side Story [Durham/Miguno]

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Wanted to write Durguno after I got introduced to this ship and here it is!

Happy reading~!


Miguno followed Durham by his side as they strolled through the bustling city's street, the afternoon sun basking them in it's warm and gentle light. The other animals didn't pay them any mind as they walked together side by side.

Miguno took a glance at the coyote beside him. Durham was crossing his arms behind his head, looking completely relaxed and content.


"Hm?" Durham cocked his head.

"Where are we going exactly?" Miguno turned his head toward the coyote "We've been walking for quite a while."

"Nowhere in particular really..." Durham answered. "I just.. wanted to enjoy the city with you, that's all," He said, his cheeks flushing slightly.

"Wow, Since when were you a romantic?"

"Ah shut up will ya?" the coyote's face reddened even more."I'm being genuine here."

Miguno chuckled, "I know, just joking with you." He offered his hand to Durham, "Here."

Durham raised an eyebrow, "What're you doing?"

"Oh You know what. Just take it will you?," Miguno scoffed. "Don't think I didn't notice your hand gravitating towards mine the whole walk."

"Wh- then why didn't you just go and hold my hand if you knew?" Durham asked, all flustered.

"I was waiting for you to go for it, you dope," said Miguno. "But I guess you weren't brave enough."

"I-I'm brave enough! Give me your hand!" Durham grabbed the hyena's hand and held it tightly. "See? I can hold your hand no problem!"

Miguno smirked, "Took you forever though."

"J-just shut up and let me enjoy this!" said Durham, blushing furiously. Happy that he managed to finally hold the hyena's hand.

"Sure sure, whatever makes you happy," Miguno replied, enjoying the warm feelings of the coyote's hand on his.

The two continued to hold hands as they walked around the city, interlocking their fingers, taking comfort in each other's presence. Everything around them felt so peaceful and just felt.. right. It was as if nothing could go wrong as long as they had each other by their side.

Durham glanced around their surroundings. He recognized the area and a place nearby came to his mind, "Hey Migs, wanna stop by somewhere?"

"Oh? Where?" Miguno tilted his head.

"Don't you recognize where we are?" Durham asked. "We're going to his cafe of course!"

Realization soon hit Miguno. His face lit up and his tail wagged, "Oh! Sure."

"Alright!" Durham let go of the hyena's hand. He stretched and bent down into a running position.

"What're you doing?"

"Getting ready," He grinned.

"For wha-"

"-The last one there has to wash the rest of this week's dishes!" Durham yelled as he took off running down the street as fast as he could.

"W-what?! Hey! No fair!" Miguno started running as well. He managed to catch up to the coyote despite his late start, "No.. *Huff* No way am I losing! It's supposed to be your turn this week anyway!"

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