The Next Step

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"See you tomorrow Legosi," Louis gave a quick smile and waved as he walked towards the exit.

"See you Louis," Legosi smiled as well and waved back, watching the deer go, his tail wagging idly.

The bell rang as the deer closed the door.

"So~ how far have you gotten with him?" Jack nudged the wolf's side.

"J-Jack!" Legosi's face reddened.

The retriever crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow, expecting an answer from the wolf, "Sooo?"

Legosi dropped his head in defeat and sighed, "Not far, sadly.."

"Really? He's been coming here everyday for around 2 weeks now and you haven't made any progress?"

"Hey! I can hold a conversation with him for a good while without messing up now!" Legosi argued back. "A-And I can finally maintain eye contact whenever we talk for 80 percent of the time!"

"..." Jack stared at Legosi with an unamused look.

"Okay, maybe it's only 75 percent of the time.."

"..." The retriever continued to stare.

Legosi hid his face behind his hands and sighed, "50.. his eyes are just too intense okay.. "

"I'm just surprised you two haven't gone further yet. You do like him, don't you?"

The wolf nodded his head.

"And I'm sure he's interested in you too, with the way he.." the retriever paused and his face reddened a little, recalling the way the deer acts around his best friend, "..flirts with you and all. And I think he's just waiting for you to take the next step, Legosi. To make sure you want it as well."

Legosi dropped his hand from his face, "I do want it, but..What if-"

"Hey!" Jack interrupted, "We had this talk before didn't we? You won't know until you try it. So don't go talking about what ifs and all that!"

Legosi whined, "But-"

"No buts too! At the very least go on one date with him to try it out, one"-Jack held up one of his index fingers-"before you say anything about it not working,"

"A date?"

"Yes. I know you're inexperienced in this kind of thing, but you should at least know what that is... right?" Jack sounded doubtful at the end.

"Of course I know! I'm not that clueless," Legosi huffed.

"Well then go and try it out! You two are clearly interested in each other, so there's no need to hesitate you silly wolf," Jack booped Legosi on the nose.

"...Okay.. I'll.. I'll try tomorrow.."


*Tick* *Tock*

03:10 PM

*Tick* *Tock*

03:15 PM

Legosi grew more anxious as time continued to pass, the day both felt too slow and too fast to him as he waited. He was alone at the cafe today, unlike yesterday, as Jack said he was busy today.

This was it. Today was the day where he's going to try and make it official. To ask the deer on a date. A date.

The wolf continued to wait anxiously, fidgeting and glancing at the clock for every 10 seconds until-

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