Chapter 3

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A Daring Mother's Day - chapter 3

Written by: JuliaFC

Beta-read by: Agrestebug and Speckleflower. Thank you SO much! You're both the best! :)

Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by (c) Thomas Astruc, TS1 Bouygues, Disney Channel, Zagtoon, Toei Animation. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.


"Shall we carry on?" Alya looked amused when she noticed that both he and Marinette had been startled at her words.

"Oh yes." Marinette coughed politely. "Alya. Truth or dare?"

Alya gave Marinette a knowing look. "Dare!" She smiled when she saw Marinette's face lit up.

"Good! I dare you to delete the picture of us hugging from your phone." That was clever, Marinette. Adrien felt a sudden urge to run towards her and hug her again. No, that would have been totally inappropriate.

Alya feigned outrage. "No way!" she hissed and started unbuttoning her shirt. Adrien raised an eyebrow as she took the shirt off and dumped it in the centre of the circle, on top of the plastic bottle. She was left with only her white tank-top that she wore underneath.

"Now. Ask me a truth question." She crossed her arms on her chest and smiled at Marinette's surprise. "That's a new version of the game I have been playing with Nino all this time."

"Is this how you extrapolate the truth from him, Alya?" Marinette gave her an inquiring look.

Alya giggled. "Yes. Was this your question?"

Marinette feigned shock. "No way, Alya! You won't get away with it so easily!" Her friend laughed. "Ok... truth. Have you kissed any other boy before Nino?"

I think I'm going to really like this game, he mused to himself.

"NO! Marinette, who do you think I am?" Both girls laughed. He attempted a smile as well until he saw Alya turning around towards him with a determined look on her face. Oh boy, there it was. Maybe he wasn't going to like this game after all.

"Chat Noir... truth or dare?"

"Uh..." He suddenly felt sweaty. "T-truth?" He repented of it immediately when he saw the wide smile that appeared on Alya's face and the frown that spread all over Marinette's.

Alya rubbed her hands in anticipation. "Good good... you're a superhero, after all, you're supposed to be brave!" She gave him a sly look that sent chills down his spine. He didn't feel brave at all. "So... tell me Chat Noir, what has been your most embarrassing moment with Ladybug?" Her gaze was amused and cunning as he gulped awkwardly. "Be assured that THIS conversation will end up on the Ladyblog, kitty."

"But..." he argued.

"Oh please. It's got nothing to do with your identity, right? So I can use it and abuse it. Now be a good cat and answer. Or start stripping!" Another cunning look.

Adrien blushed furiously, as his left hand nervously reached the back of his head and rested for a while on his neck. Alya's cunning look turned into a frown. "Uh... I don't know which one to pick," he admitted gingerly. "There are so many..." He glanced at Marinette and he wished he hadn't, because the soft look she was giving him would have melted the ice at the top of Mount Everest.

"As I said," Alya stated matter of factly, "The one you feel is the most embarrassing." She messed with her phone and then pointed it towards him. "It's on record, so I don't forget."

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