Chapter 6

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A Daring Mother's Day - chapter 6

Written by: JuliaFC

Beta-read by: Agrestebug and Speckleflower. Thank you SO much! You're both the best! :)

Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by (c) Thomas Astruc, TS1 Bouygues, Disney Channel, Zagtoon, Toei Animation. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.


It didn't take too long for Adrien to reach the mansion. He landed in the middle of his room with a loud 'thump', resting there for a long moment in a crouched position before muttering "Claws in." He stood up, watching as Plagg appeared out of the ring.

"At last!" the black kwami exclaimed. "I hate transforming!" He flew graciously but hastily towards the press that contained his cheese, and emerged a few seconds later holding a slice of camembert in each paw. He scoffed one down in just a few bites, and then started slowly savouring the other one.

Adrien mechanically made his way over to his bed, literally sinking on the edge. He held his head with his hands, staring blankly into nothing.

"You're not going to really dump all my stash, are you kid?" Plagg asked in what Adrien recognised to be a worried tone of voice.

He smiled softly and took his hands off his head, lowering them down to his knees. He looked at the black kwami. "Actually, I was thinking about it, Plagg."

"YOU WOULDN'T DO THAT TO ME FOR REAL!" Plagg panicked big time. He flew back in front of his press and turned around, protecting it with his small body. "I won't be able to survive without my Gooiness!"

"Plagg..." started Adrien.

"Honestly, kid. I've done you a favour, don't you realise that yourself? You can't be that cruel!"

"Plagg..." Adrien said again.

"Don't 'Plagg' me, mister. I won't stop until I don't get 1000% confirmation that my cheese won't be harmed."

"PLAGG!" Adrien yelled. "Will you shut up and listen to me?" Finally the tiny creature stopped fretting and looked at him with his sparkling emerald eyes. "Is there any special type of camembert that you have always wanted to taste? Tell me if there is. I'll get you anything." He laughed softly at the surprised look in the kwami's face.

"Oh..." Plagg muttered.

Adrien gleamed at him. "Don't tell me that for once I managed to leave you speechless," he teased. The kwami looked at him solemnly and flew towards his face.

"What are you going to do now?" he asked then. "I mean... tonight was a big eye opener for you."

Adrien sighed. "Ha. That's an understatement for sure." He fell silent. Truth was... he had no idea what to do. It took him a long time before he was able to speak again. The turmoil of emotions that were running through his core was too strong for him to put it into words. "A part of me wants to get into bed and just hide... Marinette is scary somehow. But so sweet at the same time. I'm... gobsmacked with what I found out today. I still can't quite believe it."

"And there's also that other girl, the reporter." Plagg sighed. "Congratulations on getting your identity revealed to the one person it should never have gotten revealed to!"

"Oh shut up!" Adrien snorted. "I don't know why, but I trust Alya. She won't give me away. My problem now is... how to put it across to m'lady. And what to do with Marinette... and Kagami!"

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