Chapter 4

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A Daring Mother's Day - chapter 4

Written by: JuliaFC

Beta-read by: Agrestebug and Speckleflower. Thank you SO much! You're both the best! :)

Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by (c) Thomas Astruc, TS1 Bouygues, Disney Channel, Zagtoon, Toei Animation. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.


"Have you satisfied your curiosity, Kitty?" Marinette looked quite flustered and had started to give him odd looks as well.

I need to be careful here, Adrien thought. I have the nasty feeling that Alya is figuring out who I am. I don't want Marinette to understand too. It would be totally embarrassing after all that she's said and shown me. And after the kiss... he still couldn't get over that kiss. But one thing was sure, he was going to order the finest Camembert that he was going to be able to find, as soon as he went home.

Wait... did he really just think that?

"Uh... yes, I did," he managed to say when he realised that he had been quiet for a little while after her question and both girls were staring at him, waiting for his answer. He walked back to his spot and sat down cross-legged again, immediately copied by Marinette who also returned to her spot. "Your turn, then."

Marinette smiled and looked at him. "Chat Noir, truth or dare?"

Shoot. "Truth," he whispered. He didn't even want to think what she would dare him to do after he made her confess about her obsession.

"Interesting..." she said softly. "Are you scared, Kitty?"

Adrien feigned confidence. "Scared? Moi? There's not a single scared bone in my body, purrincess!"

Marinette cringed, but snapped back, "We shall see..." and a shiver ran down his spine. "So... Chat Noir, I have always wondered how and when you fell in love with Ladybug, and why?"

"That's a good one!" Alya exclaimed and messed with her phone, undoubtedly turning it to record. Adrien scowled at her.

"Purrincess... this is not fair. You asked three questions! How, when and why." He counted them on his clawed fingers. "Surely that's too many?"

Marinette looked at him sheepishly. "Oh, you can count!" He glared at her. "I was joking, Kitty, don't look at me like that! Uh... I suppose you have a point, although they are related questions so I think they could count as one. But... just pick the one you feel comfortable answering."

"It's OK Marinette. I wouldn't want to leave you with your curiosity unsatisfied." He saw the gleam of excitement appear in both girls' eyes. "But it's my turn after and... I will answer you in full if you promise me to answer two questions of mine." He gave her a soft smile.

Marinette sighed and blushed softly, looking pointedly at the floor. "Sounds fair."

"Okay. So... to answer your questions, When I fell in love with Ladybug? The first day I met her." He noticed that Marinette had raised her eyebrow and was looking at him in puzzlement. "Ok, you're right, maybe that was just infatuation or pure admiration. But when she first fought with me she started off being all clumsy and unsure of herself. She looked so fragile and terrified and kept saying that she wasn't good enough, that she wasn't meant to be a superhero, that she was so clumsy... " She sounded a bit like... you? The very thought just crossed his mind for a teeny second but he decided to park it and think about it later. Marinette looked a bit flushed, he wondered why.

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