Chapter 8 - Epilogue

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A Daring Mother's Day - chapter 8 - epilogue

Written by: JuliaFC

Beta-read by: Agrestebug and Speckleflower. Thank you SO much! You're both the best! :)

Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by (c) Thomas Astruc, TS1 Bouygues, Disney Channel, Zagtoon, Toei Animation. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.


Ladyblog Exclusive

Scoop: LadyNoir is finally real. My ship has sailed!

By Alya Cesaire

Contains previously unpublished interview with Chat Noir

*Selfie of Alya and Chat Noir. Alya's bust is naked and her bra is in full view. She gestures a V sign with her left hand.*

My dear friends. It is with great anticipation and happiness that I announce to all of you the biggest and most awaited news this Ladyblog has ever offered. Ever.

Ladybug and Chat Noir are finally a couple. Yes, I had it confirmed by the superheroes themselves in an exclusive interview, so if you want the juicy details, keep reading. *sniggers*

It all started on a bright evening, when I caught our favourite hero in a compromising position (I have been sworn to secrecy, sorry!). And because moi is moi and moi is very clever, I have used this discovery to my advantage! I have obtained (Ok, more threatened than obtained, but you do what you need to do in the name of journalism!) a juicy session of truth or dare with no-one else than our most favourite black cat with wiggly black ears!

Now... if you were my boyfriend, you would know how dangerous it is to play this particular game with me, but since our black cat is a superhero... he laughs in the face of danger. So... I had the time of my life, guys. And yes, that's my bra showing in the cover picture. Don't lose a dare with Chat Noir, I warn you, dear readers. You know now what I had to endure to dig out the truth.

Ok, I hear you, endure isn't the right word.

But let's get to the juicy part. I won't describe the session in detail, always for the "sworn to secrecy" reason, but I will highlight in bullet points the most juicy findings, delight you with the best asked and answered truth question ever and... end the article with the best picture ever. Ready?

* Our Kittycat has real cat tendencies. Especially when Ladybug is concerned, but it works with everyone. Just get close enough to rub behind his ears and... he will delight you with the cutest purr ever. Now... getting close enough to rub his ears is the problem, but I'm sure you fangirls will enjoy the challenge *wink wink*

* Continuing on the cat tendencies: he's pretty protective of his bell. Apparently it's a symbol for his stray cat's heart, to find a loving home. Yes, I can hear you. Awwwww Kitty. Who wouldn't want to give you a loving home? (OK, my boyfriend here reminds me that I have a boyfriend... never mind!) Anyway. If you don't want to be hissed at and scratched with magic claws, leave the bell poking to Ladybug.

* His suit unzips. AND he has ABS. Oh... and he's a good kisser. Don't ask me how I know the last detail, ladies, I won't talk even under torture. But I hear you gals... I feel a cat hunt will soon start all over Paris. The cat is warned! Better start running, Kitty.

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