Chapter 5

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A Daring Mother's Day - chapter 5

Written by: JuliaFC

Beta-read by: Agrestebug and Speckleflower. Thank you SO much! You're both the best! :)

Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by (c) Thomas Astruc, TS1 Bouygues, Disney Channel, Zagtoon, Toei Animation. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.


The sudden sound coming from Marinette's trapdoor froze Adrien in his bodybuilder pose. He felt all the blood draining from his face as he eyed worriedly in that direction, but the trapdoor didn't open.

"Quick! Run upstairs!" Marinette hissed and he immediately obeyed, his heart pounding madly in his throat. Only when he was out of sight did Marinette open the lock on the trapdoor, and Sabine's face appeared, raising an eyebrow at Alya's bare bust.

"Is everything okay, girls?" Her gaze darted from her daughter to Alya, and then wandered around the room. "When did you install a lock to the trapdoor, Marinette?"

"Uh..." Marinette's voice was shaking. "A-after the time that J-jagged Stone came into my room and f-filmed all my stuff."

Sabine gasped. "Oh yes, I remember that incident. But why did you lock the trapdoor now? There's only you and Alya here." She paused for a moment. "By the way, that's a nice bra!"

Alya smiled nervously. "Thank you, Mrs Cheng. I was just showing it to Marinette before I changed into my pyjamas."

"Oh I see," Mrs Cheng said. Adrien had a feeling that she hadn't bought that at all; she was still looking around discreetly.

"We were getting changed, maman, and I didn't want papa to open the trapdoor and catch Alya like this," Marinette lied.

"You know that your father always warns you that he's coming up, when you have company," Mrs Cheng said. "But I will give you the benefit of the doubt."

Marinette looked tense from Adrien's hiding place on top of her bed. He could only see the back of her head and her shoulders, but she looked stiff. Alya's smile was also nervous.

He saw that Mrs Cheng was still looking around quite suspiciously and he wondered if she had heard him running upstairs. He seriously hoped that she didn't. He moved further up to the front of Marinette's bed and his gaze was met by at least twenty photos of his own smiling face. He looked at the pictures as if he was seeing them for the first time. Some had little hearts drawn on them. He scratched his head as he mused at how dense he could have been, to believe that she really had those pictures up only because she liked fashion. He sighed.

He heard Mrs Cheng's voice again and it brought him back to reality, his breath catching as he tried not to be heard. He dared moving forward to see what was going on down there. Mrs Cheng was still in the same spot, and she seemed to be still looking around the room as she spoke. Her eyes seemed to go upwards and then landed dangerously somewhere near him, and her gaze hardened, as if she had seen him. Adrien moved to the wall again, his heart skipping a beat in pure and utmost fear.

"We're going to bed, and wanted to know if there was anything that you needed from us, before we go," she was saying.

"No, we're good maman, really!" Marinette was even more tense now. Adrien dared peeking cautiously again.

Mrs Cheng locked her gaze into the gaze of her daughter for a long, long moment. "You know you can tell us anything, don't you Marinette? We're here for you no matter what."

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