7. Sports Festival (part 2)

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Thorfinn POV:

Thorfinn stepped out on the field, a red headband wrapped around his forehead and a determined expression on his face. The sports festival had officially begun, and Thorfinn was desperate for his class to win. He also wanted to be the one who shone above the rest, winning first place in the relay race, and show off to Canute. He didn't know why he wanted to show off to Canute, he just had a gut instinct to. Maybe Canute will like me if I get first place. Thorfinn told himself.

"Alright! Everyone running the race, get in your places!" Mr. Bjorn yelled, through a speaker on the sidelines. As Thorfinn and the other contestants rushed to their places, the students on the bleachers cheered.

Thorfinn turned to look at the sidelines and saw Canute, standing with the rest of their homeroom class, cheering Thorfinn on. Thorfinn blushed as he saw Canute jumping up and down excitedly, his blonde ponytail swishing behind him. He also had the red headband wrapped around his forehead, and there was something about that outfit that made Thorfinn's heart burst out of his chest. Canute looks handsome in everything. Thorfinn thought.

"3...2...1!!! Let the race begin!" Mr. Bjorn shouted, and at that moment everyone around Thorfinn became a blur. Thorfinn ran with so much speed that he couldn't see the contestants beside him, or what place he was currently in. His feet pounded the tarmac with the grace of a sack of wet concrete. His rasping throat was as parched as a dead lizard in the desert sun. His head bobbed loosely from side to side with each footfall and his eyes felt heavy in their sockets.

It was over as soon as it started. Thorfinn was the first one to run through the ribbon. He frantically looked around, and saw the other runners grudgingly walking behind him. That's it? It's over already? Thorfinn thought, feeling like he missed something.

Suddenly, one of the student council members placed a gold medal around Thorfinn's neck. A feeling of pride surged his body as he peered closely at the golden award. Thorfinn looked up and saw his classmates rushing towards him, screaming with ecstasy. Ari approached Thorfinn first. "You did it! Thorfinn! Our class got it's first win because of you!!" He exclaimed, his smile wide with glee. His classmates began jumping around him, patting his back, and whooping loudly. Thorfinn laughed along with his teammates, while looking around for Canute. Where is he? I hope he saw that!

There was a fifteen minute break before the next event, and Thorfinn sat on the bleachers, surrounded by his classmates. "That was amazing Thorfinn! You're really the star of this class!" Asegir yelped, smacking Thorfinn's head in an affectionate manner.

"You guys!" Thorfinn sheepishly said, laughing. He felt happy and excited about pleasing his classmates, and receiving all this praise. For once, he enjoyed school. At first, Thorfinn wasn't planning to participate in the race. However, after hours upon hours of Canute begging him, and then the rest of the class, Thorfinn gave in.

He didn't regret it one bit, however the only worry in his mind was Canute's whereabouts. Where is that damn princess? Thorfinn thought to himself, frustrated.

It took his classmates a while to get off his back and stop applauding him, but once they did, Thorfinn was finally alone. A grin was plastered on his face, as he was proud of himself. Thorfinn leaned down to tie his shoelaces, preparing for the next event. Suddenly, he felt a light tap on his shoulder, from behind. Thorfinn turned around and saw Canute, his blue eyes glistening in the sun and his golden hair flowing in the cool breeze.

Canute beamed at him, and sat down beside him on the bench. He passed Thorfinn a water bottle. "That was incredible, Thorfinn! You ran as fast as the wind! Even faster!" Canute complimented, grinning from ear to ear.

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