1: The Aftermath

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Juleka and Rose sat away from everyone else in the back of the bus, the refuge area they used to get away from the zombies that wanted to infect people by kissing them. "Rose, are you okay?" Juleka asked. Rose winced slightly, and replied "Yeah, just a close call." Juleka wrapped her arm around the shorter girl's shoulder and holding her hand.

Juleka was holding Rose's other hand as well, as Juleka knew closeness made Rose more comfortable. Rose turned from her position to stare at Juleka, leaning up so there was barely any distance between the two teenagers, her eyes changing from their normal baby blue to violet. Juleka grew wide eyed, realizing she had been infected.

Before Juleka could say to the rest on the bus Rose was infected, the now violet eyed girl had closed the distance between them, kissing Juleka. So soft, Juleka thought, reveling at the feel of the girl's lips.

She had realized what happened and immediately backed off. She touched her lips with her fingers, still shocked at what happened. She had screamed out loud, and everyone turned around to see what had happened and everyone gasped. Before she had fully turned, she saw Ladybug get out the bus and shut the doors, letting everyone out as Juleka went to infect Alix.

The zombie curse wore off, and Rose hugged Juleka tightly on the bus, as Alix joined in. After they broke apart, Juleka's eyes widened as she remembered what happened.

"Juleka, are you okay? You look a bit red," Rose asked. Juleka nodded and muttered "Mhm, just fine," behind her bangs. Juleka, Rose and Alix got off the bus, as the rest of their friends went over to greet them.

"Oh god, are you guys okay?" Marinette asked the three girls, Alix standing next to Rose and Rose stood in front of Juleka, Juleka touching Rose's shoulders, although still freaked out. Juleka nodded. "We're all okay now. That zombie curse was crazy!" Alix exclaimed and Rose piped up, "Yeah, I don't even remember what happened when I turned into a zombie!"

Oh, Juleka thought. She doesn't remember, and I don't think I'm going to tell her. Everyone went home, and before Juleka could even step into her home, her older brother Luka greeted her and hugged her tightly. "I'm so glad you're okay, Jules!" Luka said, concern evident in his eyes.

Juleka shrugged, but still hugging him back nonetheless. "Jules, you okay? You're looking kinda red," Luka asked. "Here, let us go to my room and I'll talk about it," Juleka said, turning against her usual instincts of not telling things to people.

The two walked in. "So, what's up?" Luka asked. Juleka took a deep breath. "So, I, uh, got kissed," Juleka muttered. "Well yeah, everyone who turned zombie got kissed," Luka replied. Juleka sighed. "On the lips. By one of my best friends," she said. Luka gasped.

"Was it that friend you have a crush on?" Luka asked, playfully teasing. Juleka reddened. "I-I don't have a crush on anyone," she stuttered out. "Liar," Luka said, still teasing. "I know how you look at her." "I don't like Rose!" Juleka exclaimed, exasperated.

Luka smirked. "I never said Rose's name," Luka pointed out, as Juleka grew somehow redder and wide eyed. "Fine, maybe I do, but just a bit," Juleka replied. "But, when she kissed me, I don't know if it was actually feelings for me, or just the curse." "Well,  I saw the zombies kissed people on the forehead and such, and you said she kissed you on the lips?" Luka asked, and Juleka nodded. "I'd say she likes you. I see the way you two look at each other whenever she's over and during Kitty Section rehearsals," Luka said.

Juleka sighed and put her face in her hands. "I just don't think so. I mean, I'm just... me. I'm nothing special," Juleka muttered. Luka put a comforting hand on her back. "Don't worry. I'm positive she likes you just as much as you do her," Luka exclaimed. Juleka hugged her brother. "Thanks, Luka. I can always count on you," the girl said. He hugged her back, and left the room, knowing his sister's introverted tendencies and her often wanting to be alone.

Juleka grabbed her bass and started playing, a random song she'd memorized long ago. If only Rose could like me back in the same way I like her. Too bad that's not ever gonna happen anyways, Juleka thought. She continued playing random songs on her bass, thinking about Rose and how amazing she was.

She heard her phone make a noise and looked over and saw someone had texted her. Rose, the very girl she has been thinking about was the person who texted her.

Hey Jules! 4:12 PM
Hey Rosie 4:13 PM
What's up? 4:13 PM
Nothing much, just hanging at my house. Wanna come over? 4:13 PM

Juleka thought for a moment and replied to the text.

Yeah sure. But can I bring my homework over, since we didn't exactly get to finish it? 4:14 PM
Yeah, of course. We can do it together! 4:14
Okay, I'll see you in 30. 4:15
See you! 4:15

Juleka smiled at the thought of being around Rose. She changed into a grey sweater and put on a dark gray beanie. She got her backpack and went into Luka's room. "Hey Luka, can you give me a ride?" Juleka asked. "Sure Jules. Where to?" He asked, directing his attention to her instead of his guitar. "Rose's house," Juleka said and Luka smiled knowingly. "Sure," Luka said as they got out of the house and into Luka's car.

Here I come, Rose, Juleka thought. "So, you two gonna do homework?" Luka asked, looking at the backpack Juleka brought. "Yup. Didn't really get to do homework because of today," Juleka said. They pulled up to Rose's house, and Juleka got so excited to go to her friends' house, although this was a normal thing to happen. Juleka picked up her backpack and opened the door to get out of the car. "See you in a bit, Jules!" Luka exclaimed, waving. "Bye, Luka," the goth girl replied, going to knock on Rose's door, ready to hang out with her best friend and crush.

A/N: Hello, this is my first time attempting a Miraculous Lady Bug fanfic, so let's hope I didn't screw it up too bad. Goodbye and have a good day/night, and see you next chapter!

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