10: Soulmate AU pt 2

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For the rest of the classes that day, Rose couldn't write to Dark at all. She wondered why Dark couldn't tell her who they were. Maybe their parents wouldn't let them tell her? Rose didn't know, but Dark seemed to be a good person. Rose didn't want her soulmate to be like, a murderer or something.

After school, Juleka, Marinette, Mylène, Alix and Alya came to her house. In all honesty she'd had a massive crush on Juleka since the moment they met, but now she met her soulmate she couldn't tell Juleka.

"Hey, Rose. Got some friends over?" Rose's mom asked. "Yup. We're gonna find out who my soulmate is!" Rose exclaimed excitedly. "Alright. Have fun!" Her mom said and the girls went upstairs. Rose sat on her bed with Juleka, Alix, Mylène and Marinette, and Alya stood in front of them with a notepad and pen.

All the girls brainstormed who Rose's soulmate could've been. However, Rose noticed Juleka was zoned out, and quieter than usual. "Are you okay, Juleka?" Rose asked, tapping the girl's shoulder. Juleka snapped out of her thoughts. "Yeah, I'm fine," she mumbled. I wonder why Dark isn't talking to me right now, Rose thought.

After everyone had added names to the list, they eradicated those who certainly couldn't be Rose's soulmate. "Oh crap, I gotta go to rollerblading practice. Bye everyone see you guys at school!" Alix announced, waving to them all and running out of the room.

"Well, anything else that we might be able to use to find out who Dark is?" Mylène asked. "Let's see," Rose said, deep in thought. "Oh! Dark won't tell me who they are, not even their gender and won't tell me what school they go to." "Well, that means they're rather private, or maybe their parents won't let them tell you who they are," Alya exclaimed and Rose nodded.

"Juleka, who do you think it is?" Marinette asked. Juleka shrugged. "I don't know," Juleka mumbled. "Oh c'mon, you have to have at least one guess," Alya replied. Juleka shrugged again. "Juleka, are you okay?" Rose asked, looking into her eyes. "Yeah. Just tired," she replied in her usual mumble.

I don't think she's alright, Rose thought, but changed the subject. Soon enough, everyone had to go except Juleka. Once Mylène, Marinette and Alya had left, Juleka spoke up. "Should I go?" She asked. "No, of course not! You can stay however long you want!" Rose replied.

"Alright," Juleka muttered. "Juleka, are you really okay? And please don't lie," Rose exclaimed, going to sit on the taller girl's lap so she could look directly into her eyes. She saw Juleka redden. "Um, yeah I'm okay. Why wouldn't I be?" She asked. "Because you're being quieter than usual. What's wrong?" Rose replied. "Nothing's wrong, I told you, I'm fine," Juleka muttered.

"Are you sure?" Rose asked, baby blue eyes meeting copper ones, looking for a sign of a lie. "Yeah, of course," Juleka replied. Rose hugged the other girl and wrapped her arms around her. "Good. I don't like it when you're upset," she whispered.

The two girls stayed like that for a couple minutes, Rose held one of Juleka's hands, Juleka turning visibly redder. "Wait, what's that?" Rose asked, seeing something on Juleka's arm. Juleka moved away from the girl. "Er, nothing!" She said.

"No, it's something. Why can't you let me see?" Rose questioned, becoming suspicious and trying to lift the girls' sleeve. Juleka suddenly hugged the girl tightly, so Rose couldn't look at her sleeves. Rose smirked as she realized she could do something that would distract the goth girl.

Rose leaned up to kiss Juleka's neck, and the girl's hold immediately loosened and Juleka turned extremely red. Rose quickly rolled Juleka's sleeves up while she was still distracted. Rose's eyes widened and Juleka tried to pull her arms away but it was too late, as Rose had already seen the writing.

"Y-You're my soulmate?" Rose asked in disbelief. Juleka looked down, her cheeks still bright. "I knew you weren't gonna like it. That's why I didn't wanna tell you. I'm just useless," Juleka exclaimed. "No you're not!" Rose replied. She hated it when Juleka put herself down all the time.

"Yes I am. Besides, you don't even like me like I do you," Juleka said. "How do you know?" Rose asked, and Juleka looked up from her lap. "W-what?" She stuttered out. "What are you-" Juleka was cut off by a pair of lips connecting with hers.

This is so much better than I've imagined, Rose thought. Juleka tasted like strawberries and vanilla. Soon Rose pulled away so she could breathe. "Did I... disappoint you?" Juleka asked. "Just the opposite, Jules," Rose replied. Juleka let out a sigh of relief.

Rose sat next to Juleka and put her head on the girl's shoulder. Juleka put an arm around her and Rose cuddled closer to the dark-haired girl. The two embraced, happy they both liked each other, and were each other's soulmates.

"Just imagine what we'll say at school tomorrow," Rose said with a giggle. "Yeah. That'll be a nice surprise," Juleka replied. Rose suddenly straddled Juleka and the two faced each other. "Y'know, I'm so glad we're soulmates," Rose exclaimed. "I am too," Juleka responded.

The two pairs of lips connected again, soft and warm. Juleka's phone went off and Juleka pulled away from the blonde girl to see what it was. "Dammit, I gotta go home now," Juleka said. "That's alright. I'll see you at school tomorrow," Rose said, placing a peck on the girl's lips.

The two walked downstairs, not wanting to tell Rose's mom they were dating yet. "Bye, Juleka! Come again some time!" Rose's mom exclaimed from the kitchen. "Don't worry, I'll be back soon," Juleka murmured but Rose's mom heard her.

Once they saw Rose's mom was turned away from them, Rose went on her tip-toes to press a kiss to Juleka's cheek. "Bye," she waved, and Juleka smiled before turning away to go to her brother's car. Man, am I lucky to have her, Rose thought.

A/N: That's the end of the soulmate AU! If you have any ideas for one-shots, please comment them. I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and I'll see you next chapter. Goodbye and have a good day/night!

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