3: Holy Crap She Kissed Me

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Holy crap, she kissed me! Juleka thought excitedly as she put her backpack into the backseat and went to sit in the front. "So sis, how was your date?" Luka asked, a playful smile on his face. "It wasn't a date! We just did our homework and watched a movie," Juleka exclaimed. "Really? You're blushing like crazy, Jules," Luka said.

"Well before I left she kissed me on the cheek." Juleka said, her voice for once not its usual monotone mumble. "And she accidentally kissed me on the neck when we hugged," Juleka added on. "Sounds like you got a lot going for you," Luka said and Juleka nodded.

On the way back to their boat house, Juleka thought about her night with Rose. She thought about them doing their homework together, in silence unless one of them needed help, which the other offered. She thought about the movie they watched, and how by the end of it Rose sat on her lap, face buried in her neck from how scary the film was for her. She thought about Rose's lips ghosting against her neck. She thought about Rose and her throwing popcorn in each other's mouths. She thought about Rose kissing her cheek before she left.

She was snapped out of her thoughts when they were at the house, and she grabbed her backpack and her mother greeted her, hugging her. "Oh, Juleka! I didn't know if you were actually okay until now!" Her mom said, indicating the zombie curse.

"Mom, I already told you Juleka was at Rose's house," Luka said, winking at Juleka which made her red, however her mother missed it. "I know, but I didn't see you till after!" "Okay mom, I can't breathe," Juleka exclaimed, her normal mumble back. "Oh, sorry!" Her mom said, letting go of her daughter, and letting her go to her room. By this time, it was about eight, and after Juleka put her backpack in her room, she went to have dinner with her mom and brother.

"So, Jules, other than that attack from Hawk Moth, how was your day?" Juleka turned pink, remembering what had happened on the bus with Rose. "Oh, you know, I guess good," Juleka mumbled. "When are you two having another rehearsal with Kitty Section? I'd like to see Rose, Ivan and Marinette again," her mother asked. "I don't know, maybe sometime soon," Luka exclaimed.

Juleka saw Luka's cheeks turn pink when her mom mentioned Marinette. She smirked at him, and he turned more red. After dinner, Juleka went back to her room, playing songs on her headphones, drawing. She saw a new song, "Nicotine" by Panic! At the Disco, and decided to press play. The title sounded good enough.

*Listen to song now*

Cross my heart, and hope to die. Burn my lungs and curse my eyes

Juleka turned her attention to the song. The lyrics already sounded relatable to her.

I've lost control, and I don't want it back. I'm going numb, I've been hijacked. It's a fucking drag.

That was how she felt with Rose. She felt around Rose her normal instincts and principles were nonexistent. But she didn't want it any other way when it came to Rose.

I taste you on my lips, and I can't get rid of you. So I say damn your kiss and the awful things you do. Yeah, you're worse than nicotine. Nicotine. You're worse than nicotine, nicotine, yeah.

Juleka suddenly fully remembered the kiss on the bus. The soft lips. Those sinful soft lips. The way Rose has never hugged Juleka loosely, only tightly. She touched her lips, suddenly feeling the magic from the kiss again.

It's better to burn, than to fade away. It's better to leave than be replaced. I'm losing to you, baby I'm no match.

Juleka remembered Prince Ali, Rose's old crush. She remembered hiding her jealousy deep within her. She still hung around Rose as usual, making sure no one could find out she was bitter.

Juleka listened to the rest of the song, and enjoyed it. She remembered the title, and thought, Man, this band is pretty cool. She still, however, didn't know what to do about Rose. She probably kissed her on the cheek as a friend. The neck thing was totally an accident. Friends can kiss each other on the cheek, it was totally normal, right?

She and Rose were best friends. She was always physically close to Rose than anyone else in the world. They shared the secrets with each other they couldn't with anyone else. Except, Juleka couldn't tell Rose this. The fact she had a giant crush on her. She was too scared for the inevitable rejection.

She remembered what happened on the bus. How Rose looked up at Juleka with lust clearly evident in her as in her transformed state, a flirty smile on her face. How she kissed Juleka passionately. Juleka knew it was just from the Akuma, but Juleka sincerely wished Rose was actually looking at her like that.

But the hard truth was Rose would never feel that way about her. I'm just... me. I'm so antisocial and introverted, I'm always just invisible. Rose doesn't deserve me. She deserves a boy, most likely, who was kind and popular, Juleka thought.

She had known Rose was pansexual. It was one of the secrets they had exchanged, and it was surprisingly evident. Rose simply didn't care who she had crushes on. Juleka was a lesbian, but had never had a crush on anyone at all. Until she realized she had a huge crush on Rose. Girls are so hot, Juleka thought.

She heard a buzz from her phone, and came out of her thoughts.

Hey, Juleka!!! 9:59

Oh god, it's Rose, Juleka thought, almost having a gay panic attack.

Hi Rosie 10:01
What are you doing? 10:01
Just drawing. What about you? 10:02
Writing some more song lyrics for Kitty Section! 10:02
Oh, sweet 10:02
So, I just found this really cool band. Like I've only heard one song, but I liked it 10:03
Mom says I have to go to bed. Tell me about it tomorrow! I can't wait 10:04
Mk. Night, Rosie 10:04
Goodnight Jules! 10:04

For once, Juleka went to bed without any anxious or depressing thoughts. All she thought about was Rose, and Juleka had fallen asleep rather quickly that night.

A/N: Hello reader! Another chapter here. This is just my opinion, but I do believe Rose is a pansexual and Juleka is a raging homosexual. Anyways, have a good day/night wherever you are. See you next chapter!

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