24: Jealous

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Rose knew she shouldn't have been feeling so jealous. They were at a party and Juleka was being chatted up by a random girl Rose had never seen before. But Rose couldn't help it. Rose had a crush on Juleka since about the time they met, and Rose hated it when people flirted with Juleka.

"Rose, are you alright?" Juleka asked all of the sudden. Rose was so caught up in her jealousy she hadn't noticed Juleka walking over. Rose loosened her grip on the red cup she was holding, as it looked like it would've broke soon.

"Of course. So, what happened with that girl?" Rose asked, trying to sound generally uninterested.

Juleka shrugged. "I dunno. I just don't really like her," she replied, taking a drink from her cup.

Rose nodded. "Anyone you do like?" Rose questioned.

"There's this one girl," Juleka mumbled. "But there's no way she'd like me back."

Rose extended a hand out. "C'mon, think positive," she exclaimed. "Let's dance." Juleka grabbed her hand after downing her cup of alcohol.

The two started dancing, and Rose tried to ignore the feelings she felt towards her best friend. Rose felt a hand on her shoulder, and came face to face with a boy she'd seen around school. "Hey, how about you dance with me instead of the vampire over here?" He asked charmingly. She saw Juleka frown, slouching.

"I'm good, thank you," Rose replied as politely as possible.

"Why? Are you afraid of hurting her feelings?" He asked, taking a step closer to her. "Because I can show you a better time," he whispered into her ear. Rose scowled. She already declined.

"Hey you jerk, get off my friend. It's clear she doesn't want to be with you," Juleka exclaimed, pushing the boy off of Rose.

"What, are you two dating or something?" He asked. Rose felt herself flush.

"N-no, we're not. But either way I don't think anyone would want to date someone that looks like a pile of shit is stuck on their head," Juleka shot back. The boy paled and left without saying anything.

Rose felt herself smile. "Wow Juleka, that was so cool!" She exclaimed. Suddenly the rest of the girls walked up to them.

"Holy shit Juleka!" Alix said. "That was so fuckin' cool!" Juleka shrugged.

"He was just being kind of annoying," Juleka said, humble as usual.

"Well yeah, but a very few amount of people would say that it looks like someone has a pile of shit on their head," Marinette pointed out.

"Yeah, that was so cool, girl!" Alya exclaimed.

"Yeah!" Mylène piped up. Juleka shrugged again, and everyone in the room was staring at them.

Juleka turned red at the attention. "See, the crowd seems to think so too!" Alix said.

Juleka shrugged. "I dunno, it wasn't really cool," Juleka mumbled. Soon, the crowd went back to their own thing, and Rose knew Juleka was more relaxed now.

"Of course it was, Jules!" Rose exclaimed. "Now come on, let's dance for real now." She extended her hand to her friend.

Juleka smiled, and took her hand. They started dancing, but then a slow song came on.

The two laughed a bit, and Juleka put her arm around Rose's shoulder while Rose put her arm around Juleka's waist. With their free hands, they held each other's hands and swayed back and forth.

Rose buried her face into Juleka's neck, face burning red.

Juleka prodded her slightly. "C'mon, let me see your pretty face," she said, and blushed after realizing what she said.

"You think I'm pretty?" Rose asked, voice muffled. They stopped swaying and were standing there.

Juleka stopped holding hands with Rose and put her hand in Rose's hair. "Of course you're pretty. You're the most beautiful person, girl or boy, I have ever met. Well, except Alya, she's pretty hot," Juleka joked.

Rose smiled. "She is pretty hot, and thank you, Juleka," she said and stopped hiding her face. She was still blushing, but now significantly less than before.

"There she is," Juleka said with a grin.

Rose punched her lightly in the shoulder. "Shut up," she said, but her tone wasn't rude or mean, it was more teasing.

Juleka kissed her on the forehead. They just randomly started doing that at some point during their friendship. One day they were hugging and Juleka kissed Rose on the forehead, and their little tradition was still happening.

"Can you kiss me somewhere else?" Rose asked slyly, and looked up at Juleka.

Juleka caught on; she was smart. "Where, Rosie?" She asked, playing with Rose's hair.

"You already know where," Rose exclaimed.

"I really don't. Can you please tell me?" Juleka asked innocently.

"Jules, you're not making this easy for me, are you?" Rose said with a smile. "Kiss me on the lips. Like two people dating would do. As in, I wanna date you, and kiss you for real."

Juleka didn't answer, but pressed her lips to Rose's. She gently grabbed Rose's chin to help her know when to turn her head.

Eventually, they broke apart from one another, and they were both beet red but grinning at one another. "I think we both liked that," Juleka mumbled.

"I loved that!" Rose said excitedly, very characteristic of her. Rose hugged Juleka, almost aggressively, but it was still a show of affection nonetheless.

"Hey, guess what?" Juleka asked.


"I really liked that, girlfriend."

Rose smiled. "I liked that too."

A/N: HOLY SHIT I'M BACK Y'ALL! I'm aware I haven't updated in so many months, but a lot has been going on lately, and I've had horrible writers block. I've also been working on some new original writings, and soon they may be published in the app, and out to the public. Lastly, thank you so much for almost 5k reads on the fic! *cue the cheers* I really appreciate every single person on this site that has even taken the time to read my fics. It's still hard for me to believe that my work has gotten to this many people, and this is the most popular fic I've written by far. I never expected for my work to get popular, so I thank all of you for that! I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and I hope I'll be able to write more chapters soon and get in the groove of things again. (Also, please note that I have written most of this at 1 am, so I'm sorry if it's not completely grammatically correct.) Have a great day and night, and thanks for reading!

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