21: Deadass Drunk One-Shot

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Juleka was currently drunk. Very drunk, in fact. She had several bottles of whatever that was, to try and forget. Unfortunately, that didn't work so well, as she was already calling Rose on her phone. The phone was immediately answered.

"Hey, Ro," Juleka said, slurring. "Hey Juleka. What's up?" Rose asked, apparently not realizing how drunk Juleka was. "Wanna come over?" Juleka asked. Rose gasped, as she most likely realized what happened. "Juleka, are you drunk?" She asked.

Juleka giggled. "Just a little bit," she had responded. Rose sighed. "Oh boy. I'm coming over right now," Rose exclaimed. "Yeah!" Juleka replied and hung up, waiting for her crush and best friend to come over.

About 20 minutes later she had heard a knock on her door, which she opened. "Hey!" She exclaimed with a wave. Rose smiled and went inside. The two had went into Juleka's bedroom. "Anyone home?" Rose asked.

Juleka shook her head and chuckled for no reason in particular. "Nope, just me!" Juleka said. Rose walked over and started cleaning up the empty bottles on the floor. "So, why did you drink?" Rose asked. "To forget about-" Juleka started but clapped a hand on her mouth. "I can't tell you!"

"Oh really?" Rose asked. Juleka nodded and put a finger to her own lips. "It's a secret," she whispered. Rose nodded. "Maybe you should go to sleep?" Rose asked. Juleka shook her head. "Why would I do that?" She questioned. "So you can sleep the drinks off," Rose replied.

Juleka pouted. "That's no fun, Rosie," she pointed out. "Well Jules, you and drinks tend to not go well together," Rose said. Juleka gasped and crossed her arms over her chest. "Since when?" She asked. "Remember when we went to that club you got drunk and started belting out My Chemical Romance, you got drunk again at another club and did flips in heels. Another time we went out with everyone and you left and came back totally fine in the morning. You see, you and alcohol don't mix," Rose listed.

Juleka shrugged. "C'mon, lets get you to bed," Rose said. Juleka crossed her arms over her chest once again. "Nuh uh!" Juleka said. Rose sighed. "I'll still be here in the morning," Rose said, trying to reason. "You will?" Juleka asked, her arms uncrossed now. Rose nodded. "Of course Juleka!" Rose responded.

"Hey, thanks!" Juleka exclaimed and hugged her friend. Rose hugged her back. "'M gonna go get changed," Juleka said. "O-" Rose started but was cut off by Juleka taking her clothes off getting ready to change. "Yes?" Juleka asked, not noticing Rose's cheeks which had brightened significantly.

"You're naked," Rose pointed out rather obviously and turned away. "Yeah, how else will I change?" Juleka asked giggling. "Decent yet?" Rose asked as Juleka was pulling her pants on. "Not morally. I'm not done changing yet either," Juleka replied.

After Juleka had made sure she had put everything on correctly, she said to Rose, "'M done." Rose nodded and turned around. "Are you gonna try to go to bed now?" Rose asked. Juleka shrugged. "Dunno. Maybe." "Juleka Couffaine, you need to sleep right this instant," Rose exclaimed.

"But why?" Juleka whined, crossing her arms over her chest like a toddler. "So you won't be drunk anymore. Come on, bedtime," Rose responded. "But you're not wearing pajamas, Ro," Juleka pointed out. Rose looked down. "You're right. Let me get something," she said, going over to Juleka's closet. Rose grabbed a light gray Jagged Stone hoodie and dark purple sweat pants, going to the bathroom to put them on.

She came out, and Juleka giggled. "What?" Rose asked. "My clothes are too big for you," Juleka said. "Well yeah, we're not exactly the same height," Rose replied, walking over. "'S okay though," Juleka exclaimed. "You look cute." Juleka turned red. "I don't think I was supposed to say that," Juleka said.

Juleka yawned. "See Jules, you're tired," Rose said. "No, let's do something else!" Juleka replied. "Like what?" Rose asked. "Let's kiss!" I get the feeling I wasn't supposed to say that either, Juleka thought. Juleka exclaimed. Rose's eyes widened. "What?" Rose responded.

"Let's kiss!" Juleka repeated. Rose thought for a moment. "Hm, I'll kiss you when you wake up if you go to bed," Rose exclaimed. "Deal!" Juleka replied. "Ready for bed now?" Rose asked. Juleka nodded, suddenly feeling how heavy her eyelids felt.

Rose got off the bed and turned off the lights of Juleka's room, before going back and laying down. "You promise you'll stay?" Juleka asked. Rose nodded. "Of course, Jules," she replied. Juleka put her phone on the nightstand before laying down. She felt Rose's arms around her and smiled. "G'night, Ro," Juleka exclaimed. "Goodnight Juleka," Rose replied.

-The Next Day-

Juleka woke up with a pounding headache and groaned when she opened her eyes. "Good morning, sleepy head," Rose exclaimed with a smile. Juleka turned back into her pillow. "What time is it?" She asked. "About nine A.M," Rose responded. "'M still tired," Juleka mumbled.

Juleka's eyes opened and she quickly jolted up. "Juleka? Are you alright?" Rose asked, concerned. "Did I, say anything while I was drunk?" Juleka asked. "You may have said some stuff," Rose admitted. "Oh no, what did I say?" Juleka queried.

"Well, you said I looked cute, and you also said you wanted to kiss me," Rose said. "I am so sorry," Juleka exclaimed. "Hey, you were drunk, it's alright," Rose said, and cleared her throat. "Anyways, I kinda made a deal with you that you would get a kiss when you woke up. Do you still want that?"

Juleka blushed and nodded. Rose smiled before leaning forward and connecting her lips with Juleka's. After a few moments, Juleka pulled away. "Sorry to ruin the moment, but I still have a pounding headache," she exclaimed. "Oh, sorry!" Rose said. She stood up and came back a few moments later with a pill and a bottle of water.

"Thanks, Rosie," Juleka exclaimed, taking the pills and water. Rose smiled. "It's no problem!" She replied. "Do you want breakfast?" "I dunno," Juleka said with a shrug. "Here, I'll make grilled cheese," Rose said. "Alrighty," Juleka exclaimed.

They ate breakfast while telling jokes to each other, and Juleka's headache was already receding. After breakfast Juleka sat on her bed. "Can I sleep a bit more?" She asked. "Of course, Jules," Rose replied. "Thanks," Juleka mumbled and laid down, already feeling tired. She smiled when she felt a smaller figure next to her, holding her hand. She kissed her forehead before surrendering to sleep.

A/N: Sup everyone! Holy shit we got to 1.k reads, thank y'all so very much!!! Sorry I haven't posted in a while, but here is the next chapter. Thanks, have a good day/night and see you in the next chapter!

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