25: Hand Holding

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Juleka shyly grabbed Rose's hand and interlaced their fingers as they walked to Rose's house from school together. She was sure her palm was sweaty and clammy and everything else that was unattractive, but Rose didn't seem to care.

Juleka loved it when Rose held her hand. And, that was often as Rose was always a touchy person, especially around Juleka. They were always touching in one way or another, and it always made Juleka's heart race stupidly, and her dumb cheeks go red.

In fact, Juleka felt like she was about to go into cardiac arrest, and her cheeks were feeling ever so warm.

Admittedly, Juleka should've been used to initiating touches with Rose, but she still felt anxious anyways.

Rose always made Juleka feel better, even if they were just around one another. Juleka didn't care that Chloé was being a bitch earlier that day, or that she almost got a question wrong. It all fell from her mind, and she was only thinking of Rose.

They were at Rose's house now, and they entered hand in hand. It only just now occurred to Juleka that they didn't talk to each other at all on their way home, as she was too occupied with her thoughts prior. She was obviously slightly concerned, as Rose was always talking about one thing or another.

They made their way up the stairs and they both sat on Rose's bed. Without saying anything, Rose laid her head in Juleka's lap. Juleka understood that maybe she didn't have the best day. She started playing with Rose's hair, and felt Rose squirm around slightly to get more comfortable.

"How are you, Rosie?" Juleka asked.

Rose let out a big sigh. "Chloé made fun of you again, and I got a C on one of my tests, and I was too loud in the library, and I'm just really tired, but I haven't slept well lately because I've been thinking too much, and-" Rose started rambling, but Juleka slowly cut her off.

"Hey, look at me," she commanded lightly, and Rose, always a people pleaser, followed her orders. "Everything is gonna be alright." She gently pushed Rose off her lap and laid against Rose's headboard, inviting Rose to sit on her lap.

Rose sat and buried her face in Juleka's neck, wrapping her arms around her. Juleka in turn wrapped her arms around Rose.

Juleka was the only person who Rose showed this side to, other than her parents of course. Juleka liked to think it was the result of Rose being such an outspoken person. Sometimes, Rose needed time around less people, like everyone else. And Juleka always liked being around Rose so she wasn't complaining at all.

Her thoughts were broken as she felt her shirt start getting wet, and realized Rose was crying.

They sat like that for a few minutes, Juleka holding Rose, and letting her cry.

Rose's crying turned to sniffles, and she extracted herself from Juleka slightly to look at her. Rose's eyes were red, but she was smiling.

"You're such a good friend," Rose exclaimed, and Juleka smiled in return.

"Thanks," Juleka said in response.

"Ooh! Let's watch a movie!" Rose said excitedly. "But I don't wanna get off you..."

"Hm, I think I know how to solve that," Juleka said, mock-thinking. Juleka got off the headboard. "Get behind me and wrap your arms around me,"

Rose did, "You're so smart, Juleka!" She said, kissing her friend on the neck. She always did things like that to physically show her appreciation for Juleka. But Juleka started blushing nonetheless.

She smirked a bit like Debby Ryan. "Aww, thanks Rosie." She got up and got Rose's favorite movie, a comedy unsurprisingly.

They sat back down together, and Juleka put the DVD in. Rose and Juleka alike loved DVD's, sometimes more than Netflix or Hulu. Rose sat right on Juleka and turned around so she can watch the movie.

They watched the movie together, and Rose laughed at all the jokes, and even Juleka let out some chuckles too.

They reached the end of the movie, and Rose turned around again, and started kissing Juleka's face, but not her lips.

Juleka started laughing. "Wha- what are you doing?" Juleka asked, turning a bit red.

"Showing my appreciation for you," Rose replied.

Juleka turned the tables and started tickling Rose's most sensitive areas where she got the most effect when being tickled. Rose started laughing hysterically.

"Bahaha- Jules- that tickles!" Rose said while laughing.

Juleka grinned like a Cheshire Cat, something rare for her. "That's the point dear Rosie."

After a few minutes, Juleka finally relented on Rose and stopped tickling her. Rose was on her bed, laid down on her back, breathing heavily from Juleka's 'attack'.

Juleka thought Rose looked adorable if you asked her. She was a shade of red from the lack of air and laughing so much, and she was still smiling up at Juleka.

Rose plopped on Juleka and gave her a big cuddle. After, Rose put her face in Juleka's neck like before.

"A-are you kissing my neck...?" Juleka asked, feeling something like a mouth on her.

"...no..." Rose exclaimed in response.

"Rosie, you're lying."

"N-no I'm not."

"Then why do I feel your mouth on my neck when I'm talking?"

"You're pretty," Rose said, trying to change the subject.

Juleka shrugged. "You're prettier than me, and also, don't change the subject."

"What if I was?"

"Why would you?"

"We're just gals being pals."

"Historians will say we're very good friends."

Juleka and Rose both laughed at the same time.

And then, Rose's lips were on Juleka's. Juleka got over the surprise, and kissed her now-more-than-best-friend back.

Juleka smiled into their kiss, and the two broke apart, resting their foreheads on each other.

Rose smiled. "Thanks for cheering me up."

"I wouldn't mind cheering you up like that all the time whenever you're said."

So, Juleka cheered Rose up some more.

A/N: Thank you so much for reading this chapter, I hoped you enjoyed it! Thank all of you for over 5.3k reads! Holy shit, I'm still in surprise, because like I've said many times before, I never expected my story to get so much attention! Have a good day/night, and remember to take care of yourself and be safe!

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