"That is certainly strange."

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Hope POV

I blink in and out of consciousness. I feel like I'm awake one minute and the next I fall into a blinding light that threatens to overtake me and swallow me whole. I don't know if I'm still in my body or just watching from the outside. It feels like when I'm in wolf form and I have glided upwards and now just watching from a distance. 

I go into a sleep again and I'm not sure how much time has passed before waking again. It's night as there is no light I can see coming from an open door not that far from where I'm sitting up against a wall. I closed my eyes as it was hard to keep them open for long periods of time. I tried my best to open them again and saw that I was in what looked like a wooden shack. I had no idea on what part of the forest I was. 

I tried to move and an immense pain shot through my whole body which had me screaming out in agony. I closed a hand over my mouth to keep myself from doing it as I didn't know if there was anyone around. That's when I looked down and was totally shocked to find a silver sword sticking out of my stomach. Vivid memories came back to me of the altercation with Stefanie and then something attacked us. We fought and I was dragged away.

I wonder if Stefanie is okay?

There was a pool of blood around me and it looked like it led from the entry to this place. Whoever took me must have put me here for a reason. I am very surprised I'm not dead which is most likely to do with the vampire blood in my system. It was working for now but for how long. I needed to get out of here and try and find some help. 

I tried to stand but it was as if I didn't have the energy because after holding on to a broken sink beside me I just couldn't do it. I looked down again and my eye caught the green wolf that hung around my neck. I grabbed it in my hand and a new determination came over me in waves that I have never felt before. 

I see a mirror of to my side and look in it. I barely just recognise myself as my hair is plastered to my face from the sweat. I was as white as a sheet from the blood loss.  

"Get up Hope. Get up and get out of here. You will not here tonight. Not in this way. You can't break Lizzie's heart like this. You have to get back to her and your family. They will all need you and you will get out of this."

It takes all of the strength I have left to get myself up to my knees and then in to a standing position. I walked forward and collapse onto my knees again. Blood is still coming out of the wound. I have to fix it. I get up again and walk over to the entry and see a med kit. I thank the person who is looking out for me out there. I grab it and walk out to reach a nearby tree and fall against it.

I know this is going to suck on a major level but I need to do this so I don't die. I need to survive. I open the kit and to my luck it had a disinfectant and some bandages as well  as a needle and thread. I am going to have to take out the sword before I begin to fix this injury. I grab the hilt with both hands and pull a but. The pain that I felt was nothing I have ever felt before. It was a stinging searing pain that felt like fire was going through my entire body.

I let out another howl and grab a small branch to bite down on to keep myself from screaming or even break some of my teeth. My grip on the sword was really strong as both of my hands were white as hell. I start pulling again and it is the most intense moment of my life as it is complete agony. I feel like I'm about to be pass out when it's almost done and the sword finally comes free.

I throw it to the side and take the rubbing alcohol out and brace myself as I pour it over the wound and another searing pain shoots through me which threatens to overwhelm me. I take a drink myself before setting it down to take the needle and thread and got to work.

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