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***** Warning. There is a lot of violence and gore in this chapter. Viewer discretion is advised ***** 

Isabella POV

I took off after Penelope as soon as she went through the window. Kol and Davina had tried to stop me but I didn't listen and jumped from the window. I cast a spell to make sure I landed okay and didn't hurt myself. It was still night but I could tell that the sun would soon be rising. 

I started running quick to try and keep up with her. The only thing on my mind was Penelope and that I had to save her. My mind was racing to a the possibilities that a lot of bad things could happen and I didn't want Penelope to face any of them. Apart of me was telling me to take off in the other direction and not look back. I think apart of me that knew that I might not survive this war that was about to kick off. That my long life could come to an end.

Then there was this part of me that was telling me not to think about any of that. Just follow Penelope and everything will be fine. That I will find something better if I head down this path. I held onto that and pushed forward and kept going. It was no use as I lost her scent not long after that and there was no sign of Penelope. Not that she was a werewolf, she had incredible speed.

I stopped and tried to see if there was any trace of her. The sun was getting higher in the sky as the light started to descend over the city. I rounded a corner and found four people standing around this boy. He was hurt and hand blood coming out of his mouth. Then one of the four hit him again.

A girl who was laughing turned around and saw me and her smirk got wider. 

"Look boys. We got another helpless person to torment. I call dibs on this one."

She started walking towards me and her eyes flashed green which meant that these were some of the werewolf's that were terrorising the city. I smiled to myself as I was ready for a fight. I needed to let some much needed anger out. This was the best opportunity. 

"So you want to pick a fight with me. Good. I have been looking to take more of you bastards out since the last time. Who's first?"

The girl just kept smiling and came at me with an arm outstretched to grab me. I stopped her and in one quick motion snapped her arm which caused her to shout out in pain. I laughed and clung onto her neck while I moved swiftly to break her neck. I didn't stop there. I took out  a knife and cut her head clean off. Her body dropped and I rolled the head over to the guys as they both looked dumbstruck. 

"There is a lot more where that came from. Who is next? Give it your best shot."

They looked at each other and then decided what to do. They both charged at me as I ducked and kicked out the legs of one before jumping up and taking the other to the floor with me and stabbing him in the chest twice before up through his head. The other guy came over and grabbed me while lifting me up.

I elbowed him in the cut before stabbing him the leg causing him to fall. I dragged him to the nearest wall and hit his head repeatedly off it while speaking.

"You...picked the....wrong....day...to....fuck...with...me. Fucking werewolf's."

I let his body drop to the ground and went over to the guy who they were messing with.

I put out my hand to help him up.

"You just took three of them out. How? They were so strong."

I smiled.

"Yeah well I'm stronger and have dealt with them before. Why are you out here by yourself anyway? Don't you know what is happening around this city right now?"

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