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"what?!" harry say up, looking at me.

"perrie was telling me. perrie.. she told me things, i didn't even realize." i was nervous.

"like what?"

"like.. um.. like when i look at someone. and hug them.." i didn't want to tell him. but i knew that it would hurt him if I didn't tell him.

"who's the lucky guy?" harry's beautiful face drooped.

"uh.." i bit my lip. "let's drive home." i climbed into the front seat. harry climbed into shot gun.

"who's the lucky guy?" i could tell harry was holding back tears. he bit his lip, and his dimple was small at the side.

"listen harry.. we can't talk about this now. let me drive you home." i started the car and began to drive harry.

"zayn. talk to me." a tear fell out of his eye.

now i feel guilty.

"haz." i whispered.

"zayn. seriously." harry wiped his tear.

we arrived at his house 10 minutes later.

"okay bye harry." i smiled.

harry didn't answer. he stepped out of the car and walked into his house.

"harry?" i called but he didn't answer.

i sighed, driving back to my house.

i got into my house, and locked the door as no one was home.

i walked into my room, and shut the door.

laid on my bed, i thought of harry.

he made me feel special.

he made me feel happy.

if i really loved harry, i'd love him no matter what. no matter what happens.

harry had made me want to come out.

that's exactly what i'm going to do, just for harry. so i could have him.

suddenly, my bedroom door opened to reveal my mum and dad.

i cringed.

"hello zayn." mum smiled at me.

"h-hi mum. dad.." i sat up.

"zayn." my dad winked.

"i have something to tell you." my parents nodded, sitting down beside me on my bed.

"what is it zayn?" mum asked, worried.

"okay.. i don't know how your going to react." i took a deep breath and began. "perrie and i broke up.. perrie had been seeing things in me that i hadn't even realized." i sighed.

"mum. dad. i'm gay." i closed my eyes.

"what?!" dad screamed.

"zayn.. i-i.." mum was shocked.

"i'm sorry okay." i opened my eyes.

"no zayn i'm sorry but this isn't appropriate." dad snapped.

"it's against religion z." mum told me. i rolled my eyes.

"mum! dad! you can't change me. i can be what i want. the person i love needs me. he needs me." i frowned, getting up. tears built up in my eyes.

"zayn malik. perrie was a lovely girl. what made you change?!" mum had tears in her eyes.

that just made me mad.

"she changed too!!" i fought.

"zayn this isn't right. i'm sorry but I can't have my only son gay!" dad shout.

i shook my head, tears running down my cheeks.

"bye." i said quietly walking out of my room and outside to where my car was.

i drove to harry's house.

at this point, i didn't even care if he wanted me to go over or not.

"hi gem. is harry here?" i asked gemma when she opened the door.

"yeah he's here. come in." gemma let me in. i took my shoes off.

"he's just upstairs in his room." i smiled.

"thank you gem." i ran up the stairs, and didn't even bother knocking when i arrived upstairs.

harry was sat on his bed, with his ear buds in.

i closed the door, and pulled his earbuds out.

"zayn?.." without warning harry, i got beside harry.

"zayn..?" before harry could say anything, i kissed him.
okay that's cool wow okay did I actually write that you know it's okay okay okay okay olay. no no no wth no stop bye why did i what even okay anyway

so is it good so far??


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