Chapter 6: NO!!

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--Rainbow Dash POV--

I was shocked when Apples kissed me in front of her family. I mean, I know it was the only way she could explain it without utterly making a mess of things but even I wasn't expecting it.

We had just left the farm. Apples was beaming and it was a genuine smile. It was one of a kind. The only other time I'd seen her smile like that was when I told her I'd had a crush on her since we'd met.

I loved Apples so much right in that moment. She was beautiful. Her hair was like gold and her eyes were emeralds. My treasure. I smiled at that thought. That's exactly what she was. I'd never felt this was about anypony before. The other marefriends I've had never made me feel like I was holding the whole world when we hugged. No other could make me blush the was Apples so easily did.

Apples caught my eyes and somehow that smile got even bigger. Eyes sparkling she quickly kissed me. I blushed at the slight touch of her. She was the apple of my eye. The only apple. A thought crossed my mind. We have to tell our friends. All of them.

"Apples," I said, "We have to tell our friends. We already told your family and since I don't have any family we might as well tell our friends."

Apples nodded and so we started to trot towards Fluttershy's cottage.

--Applejack POV--

I was soaring on a cloud of happiness which only grew when I looked at Dashie. We were going to tell our friends one by one starting with Fluttershy. When we finally reached her cottage the lights were off. Dashie looked at me and shrugged then knocked on the door.

A small noise let us know someone was in there. The door flew open and Discord was there.

"Is Fluttershy here?" Dashie asked him raising an eyebrow.

"Not at the moment,"He replied with worry on his face. I got a gut feeling that something was wrong with our friend.

"Discord, did somethin' happen to her?" I asked quickly. Discord nodded in response then said, "She's at the hospital. Something is wrong with her pregnancy."

"We're coming with," Dashie stated. He didn't have a choice so he teleported us to the hospital. We talked to the nurse who escorted us to Fluttershy's room. Poor Fluttershy was crying about something. It bit into my heart to see such a kind pony in so much pain.

"Fluttershy, what's wrong?" I asked. She turned and looked at me. I saw sadness and anger swimming in her eyes. Fluttershy's face was tear streaked and matted. My heart broke a little. Fluttershy is the kindest pony i know. Whatever she is going through she doesn't deserve to have it happen to her.

"I-i...mi-miscarried.." FLuttershy replied meekly and then burst into intense sobs. I felt my jaw drop. This wasn't fair. She didn't need this in her life. I looked at Dash who held an astonished look plastered on her face.

--Rainbow Dash POV--

Fluttershy miscarried. Who in Equestria would make such a kind, timid pony have to go through losing a child? I felt rage fill me. Nopony deserved to lose a foal before they even got to know them.

"Flutters, I'm so sorry,"I said as tears began to form in my eyes, "You especially don't deserve this. I wish there was something I could do.."

Fluttershy looked at me and smiled weakly. I was happy that I could make her smile even the slightest in a time like this. I looked around the room and saw Discord was gone. I raise and eyebrow at Apples who shrugged.

"Where'd Discord go?" I asked nonchalantly. Fluttershy quickly looked around the room and began to cry even harder. I was confused. Discord is always right next to Fluttershy. Where could he of gone?

"He's been disappearing for moments of time and I don't know what to think about it. He's always right beside me through out every little task we do. I just want my Dissy back.." Fluttershy said quite loudly for her quiet voice.

"Sugarcube, i bet he's just plannin' ya a surprize," Apples said and looked at me for support. I began to play along, "Yea, I mean, Discord and you are meant to be together. There can't be anypony else who'd even catch his eye after being with you for so long."

Fluttershy visibly calmed down and her eyes shuttered closed. Right after Discord came in and I bristled.

"Discord, can I talk to you outside?" I said trying to control my temper. Discord looked at me warily then followed me out into the hallway.

"Do you know how worried Fluttershy has been about you? Why do you just leave her alone when she needs you the most?" I demanded. IF it was a secret surprise thing then I wouldn't tell Fluttershy But I needed to know so I could help her when she was feeling worried about what her husband was going out and doing.

"I've been planning a second marriage for us with Pinkie Pie. I had a dream that this was going to happen so I'm going to try to make up for some off it by renewing our vows," Discord replied sheepishly. His eyes were glued at the ground I could see how bad it made him feel about leaving his wife alone. Suddenly I was overwhelmed with sympathy and hugged him. As soon as I wrapped my hooves around him I jerked away.

"Tell anypony about that and I'll...oh buck it. You've grown on me Discord but this will be the only time I ever hug you," I said and walk back into the room. Apples sees me and smiles at me. I mouth 'You ready to go?' and she nodded. We leave the hospital and go back to my place.

~Changing to present tense because I write better that way~

I land and feel Apples smooth body slide off of mine. I blush and look at her trotting up to my door like she owns it. I smile and follow. Apples pushes open the door and I left it close behind me with a soft thud. She turns to look at me and I plant my lips on hers.

I begin to work my lips with Apples. A small moan escapes her causing my face to become a bright pink. I pull away out of breath. Apples has a slightly disappointed but understanding look on her face. She smiles and I feel my heart fill with a love I never though was possible.

Being with Apples has really opened my eyes to what I've missed out on life. Every time we barely touch I feel a jolt go through my body. I don't know what this mare does but whatever it is I don't ever want it o end.

Apples, Rainbows, and a Gem (Appledash/Rarijack Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now