Chapter 17: The End

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Applejack groaned as she woke up. She rolled over and looked at Dash, who was sleeping peacefully and softly snoring. Applejack chuckled and got out of bed. Then, she headed to the small bathroom that was attached to Dash's bedroom.

She went to hop into the shower but realized her cutiemark was glowing. A smile appeared across her face and she ran out of the bathroom. She leapt on the bed Dash was sleeping on and bounced up and down saying, "Wake up, Rainbow!"

The rainbow mare groggily sat up and looked at her excited marefriend. She groaned, "What is it Apples? I was having the best dream, flying with the Wonderbolts."

Applejack giggled as she sat down and pointed at her flank. "Look!" Rainbows eyes widened, knowing that meant Apples had to leave. She flung off the blanket and looked at her own flank. It was also glowing. A smile appeared on her face as well.

"Well, let's get going!" Dash jumped out of bed and Applejack followed. Once they got outside, Rainbow, as always, lowered herself and let Applejack climb on so she could fly them down.

Once they landed, Applejack climbed off and the pair made their way to Twilight's Castle. They pushed open the castle doors. Rainbow and Apples walk through the corridors, silently, until they get to the throne room then both go sit in their own special thrones.

They watched as the Rey of the thrones file with their friends. Everypony had the same thought, How could all of them be summoned? None of it made any sense.

All of a sudden, Discord, Lord of chaos, appeared laying on his side with his claw propping his head up on the Cutie Mark Map.

"Why, hello friends!" Discord greeted them all rather cheerfully.
Rainbow Dash and Applejack looked at each other uncertainly. Neither of them really trusted Discord, especially after he'd relapsed into evil by helping Tirek.

"What do you want Discord?" Twilight demanded, straightening her posture in her chair. She seemed to take on a whole new aura, a strong one.

Discord sat up, his legs dangling off the edge of the map.

"Oh, me? Nothing really, I just wanted to swing by and see how all of my friends were doing." A small but mischievous grin spread across his muzzle.

Twilight's and all of their eyes widened as they connected the dots. Somehow, Discord had used the map to call them all to the castle.

"How were you able to use the map?" Twilight asked, her voice full of wonder and curiosity.

Discord smirked at the princess and said, in an equally devious tone, "Now, now. A good magician never reveals his secrets."

Everypony, except Fluttershy, groaned at his remark.

Discord snappEd his fingers and suddenly, they were all transported to a picnic in the middle of a field.

Fluttershy smiled, "This is where we have our Tuesday Tea!"

Discord nodded with a smile as the others looked at the two in wonder. none of them knew that Fluttershy had regular visits with Discord and now, all of them wondered why.

Oh, Fluttershy," Discord said, with earnest. "You always were the kindest to me."

As if on que, Fluttershy began blushing and looked away, answering the rest of the friends' question.

Rainbow Dash groaned And Applejack pointedly looked at her as if to tell her to not do whatever the rainbow mare was thinking of doing. Too bad, since did it anyways.

"If it's just going to be about you two then can the rest of us go home? I have a lot of practicing to do if I ever want to be part of the main Wonderbolts teams."

Discord sighed as Fluttershy's blush just worsened. She felt so awkward that what small feelings she held towards Discord had been beaked. Nevertheless, Discord snapped his fingers, sending then all back to the castle, except, of course, for Fluttershy.

"Glad that's over," dash said as she hopped out of her throne and looked towards Applejack. "C'mon, let's go home."

Applejack nodded and follows Rainbow out of the castle.

They went home silently. Not an awkward silence, but a peaceful silence. Applejack had to be honest with herself and was actually glad that Dash had said something to make Discord send them back. She was starting to get uncomfortable with the subtle flirting that Discord was doing.

After they'd landed, the pair walked inside to Rainbow's cloud mansion.

Rainbow yawned a they entered. "Sheesh, I'm tired. I wonder why."

Applejack shrugged but smiled at he drowsy mare friend.

"Well then, let's go get some shuteye." She replied then started to make her way to the stairs.

Rainbow Dash followed her all the way up to their bedroom and the flopped down on the bed. Applejack lairs down beside her and they both drifted off to sleep.

To Dash's dismay, she had a nightmare. She dreamt that she'd never confessed her feelings and that none of it had ever happened.

She was dreaming that Applejack was working in the field, and that Dash was just about to tell he how she felt when Princess Luna appeared.

"Rainbow Dash," she said with her loud but somehow soothing voice. "You know that your feelings for Applejack isn't love, but admiration. Now, wake up."

Rainbow Dash awoke with a jolt. She was alone, in her room. She sighed, mainly out of sadness but also slight relief. She knew that her feelings weren't what she thought and was ready to actually sort them out.

Rainbow Dash slightly smiled and then climbed out of bed.


Sorry if the ending isn't what you all wanted. I just couldn't think of anything and went with the "it was all a dream" cliche. Anyway, I'm going to start my new fanfic based off one of my FlutterCord fanfics! It's going to be and alternate timeline thing XD Ihave details posted on my account :p

Toodles for now XD
-Apple's Dashie

Apples, Rainbows, and a Gem (Appledash/Rarijack Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now