🎾 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 4 ~ 𝓐 𝓣𝓮𝓷𝓷𝓲𝓼 𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓭𝓲𝓰𝔂 𝓐𝓷𝓭 𝓗𝓲𝓼 𝓒𝓪𝓽𝓼 🎾

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As I promised last chapter, I'll switch POV's



Another fall afternoon. After the weekend, it would be back to the academy. Back to normal. Back to work. Kirumi would hate to admit it, but it felt amazing to finally have time to breathe. After all, she hadn't had such luxury in years. Between her work as a maid and work as the Prime Minister, her life was more hectic than the normal person on the streets.

As she strolled the streets in her normal fall attire, anxiety flowed in waves. One moment she felt like she was going to break down right where she stood, the next she felt more free. The sun had already began to set. The sky was a warm orange, it reminded Kirumi of the flowers she had saw at the city park earlier in the week. The birds chirping had slowly began to die as the sky got darker and darker...

Then she saw it. A kitten sprint into an alleyway. Then, followed up by a figure with two, cat-ear spikes coming off its head. Kirumi wondered if she was hallucinating. Those spikes were so familiar. The teen she had met at the coffee shop had a beanie with the same exact spikes on them. His name was Ryoma Hoshi, the tennis prodigy who took down a whole mafia on his own. Tojo had a few burning questions for him, but he seemed to push her away without thought, it did make her a little mad, but she worried the small teen could be struggling.

Kirumi started to pick up the pace, watching for the entrance to the alleyway. The sky started to get darker and darker, orange slowly getting drowned out by black. Then, she reached the corner. In a hurry, she stepped into the darkness to see a small teenager cradling a box near himself. He had a bag that had a convince stores logo on it to his side, one of his hands in the box. It looked like he was wearing a biker jacket. Then she saw it. Cat like beanie, tennis racket design on its front. It was him! She took a sharp breath in before saying:

"Hoshi, is that you?"

He seemed startled, but attempted to hide how she startled him because of the thing in the box. "K-Kirumi?" He breathed, seemingly thrown off guard by her sudden appearance. "Oh my, I apologize Hoshi-Kun, I didn't mean to startle you" She held her hands in front of her and looked at him with a soft, caring appearance. He seemed off after she called him Hoshi-Kun, maybe he wasn't used to nicknames? "What did I say Kirumi?" He started before shaking his head with a deep sigh. "It's.. no big deal." He finished sharply, looking back at the box.

Tojo was blankly curious. "Ryoma? What did you find?" She asked, walking closer. "Ah.. just a tabby kitten. I might bring it home and clean it up" He stated, Kirumi knelt down next to the box and held her breath. It was an absolutely adorable kitten for how messy it appeared. "Oh wow, how cute! I can assist you, Hoshi-Kun, you can only carry so much in those small arms of yours" Kirumi stated, and he huffed a little air out his nose, chewing his candy.

"Oh shoot, I'm sorry, I said that without thinking, apologies for offending you, Ryoma" The teen just chuckled. "Don't sweat it.. I'm used to it" He had a fake smile spread on his face, the poor teen was so.. empty. "A maid like yourself must be skilled in helping others, huh? That's a good skill to have for yourself. It can come in handy in these kinds of situations" Ryoma stated, holding his small hand out again for the kitten. The feline rubbed its cheek up against the back of his hand with a soft mew.

"That's why I gave you the option of me helping you, Hoshi-Kun. Plus, with someone who is a cat magnet, we could make a perfect team in getting the kitten back into shape" Tojo said softly, giving Ryoma a soft smile. She swore she saw him grin a little back, at least for a second. "Cat magnet huh? I wouldn't say I'm not, but I'm also a stickler for their wellbeing." Ryoma stated, going back to chewing on his candy cigarette. "So you like cats? That's adorable coming from someone so solemn as yourself" she declared, Hoshi covered his eyes a little with his beanie.

"T-Thank you" He mumbled. Easily flustered, that's what Tojo could tell, but she didn't comment on it. He regained complexion and went back to the task at hand. "I guess it would be rude for me not to accept your offer.. even though it's probably not smart for you to be around me..." he grumbled, scratching behind his head. "Ryoma, listen, your not that bad of a person from what I can tell, and who cares if you've killed in the past, that's not you anymore" Tojo stated, placing a hand on teens shoulder.

He let out a heavy sigh. "I guess I'll have to let those words slide for the night.." he grumbled and closed the box lid, soothingly speaking to the kitten. "Alright little guy.. it's gonna shake a little.. but I promise your in good hands" Ryoma assured the feline, who you could hear meowing from inside the box. "Would you like me to carry your purchases, Hoshi?" Tojo asked as Ryoma lifted the box in his arms, he was stronger than Kirumi had expected, mostly because of his small frame.

"Hmph.. I'm sure I can't handle both the bag and the tabby, so go for it" Ryoma gave Kirumi a nod. She picked up the bag and held it by the handle, looking at the alleyway exit. The orange had fully left the sky, leaving it dark with shimmering stars and a waning crescent moon carved into the dark sky. "We should hurry back to your Dormitory, you never know what will happen in the dark of the night." Kirumi stated, putting her hands in-front of herself yet again. Ryoma gave a small nod in agreement, the spikes on his beanie bobbed as he nodded his head. She found it oddly... adorable.

The two of them started walking next to each other, silently at the beginning, but Kirumi was taken off guard by a deep voice from below. "So, did you come see me because you missed me, or did you just notice me on the streets?" Hoshi asked her. Something in her just couldn't lie, she didn't really get it, but she played along. "Well.. I was on my evening stroll when I noticed you chase the tabby kitten down the shadowed alleyway... it's only natural for someone to grow curious" She finished. Ryoma nodded and tightened his grip on the box.

It seemed like a second, when really, it was around half and hour before the towering building that was the Hopes Peak Academy Dormitory came into view yet again. As the two of them made it into the lobby however, they didn't split ways. Ryoma spoke up. "Tojo, my dorm keys are in the pocket of my jacket, as I can't open the door myself, could you..." he took a sharp breath in, as if he didn't want to ask her. As if he felt like he was doing something wrong. Kirumi didn't give him a chance to say anything else. "Of course I can, Hoshi-Kun" Kirumi declared before taking his keys out of his leather jacket pocket.

Ryoma began to walk down the hallway, Kirumi at his side. She looked around, it looked fairly similar to the girls side, but in contrast to the girls black, white, and grey scheme, they had tan and brown. "I've never been on the boys side of the dormitory, this is quite interesting" Tojo said, nodding her head a little. "Huh, well.. my dorm ain't anything special" he gave a dull chuckle and came up to a door with noticeable scratch marks on its wooden surface. "Oh dear, what happened to your door, Ryoma?" Kirumi asked, and he attempted at shrugging with the box in his hands.

"I sometimes struggle with reachin my doorknob, that's all" Hoshi said, Kirumi couldn't help but feel a little bad for the poor teen. Being his height must be a real nightmare. "Don't feel bad, I can tell you do, your expression reads it" He grumbled before chewing on his minty candy. Kirumi let out a sigh before reaching and unlocking the dorm door with a click. "Let's help this kitty" Kirumi declared, Ryoma nodded in agreement.

And with that, the dorm room door swung open...


Whew! This chapter took a while to write. It's a pretty long one, sorry about that heh. I'm not sure if I'm going to change back to a Ryoma POV or keep it a Kirumi POV for next chapter, but I'm leaning a little towards Ryoma so we can see his reactions to the nicknames and such in his head, but anyway, stay tuned!


🍂♥︎ Autumn Love ~ A Tojoshi (Ryoma Hoshi x Kirumi Tojo) fanfiction ♥︎ 🍂Where stories live. Discover now