⌛ 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 9 ~ 𝓗𝓮𝓼 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓜𝓪𝓽𝓬𝓱 𝓛𝓮𝓯𝓽 𝓞𝓾𝓽 𝓘𝓷 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓡𝓪𝓲𝓷 ⌛

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As she elegantly entered the Togami residence, she wasn't expecting to see so many of her fellow classmates.

Of course, she wasn't uncomfortable in a mass number of people. Working as Prime Minister left her used to being packed in like salmon in a tin. She was more worried about the scent of the alcohol that lingered in the air and what certain drunk teenagers would attempt to pull. 

The quite short, gothic black dress swayed with her elegant movements. She wore an off shoulder dress, pitch black as the night sky. Layered sleeves of translucent black and grey lace whisked off her arms and the rims of the dress. She wore darker shades of makeup, as well as an eyeliner that caused her pale, green tea eyes to stand out as a bit darker in color. 

She loosely gripped her partners hand, wishing to part the first moment her heels met the doorway. He promised to allow her on her own, at some point. When that was? Tojo could only guess. 

Of course, the moment her partner smelt alcohol, his hand released hers without warning, obvious on what he cared about much more. She testily observed as he walked to the kitchen, turning her back, dress following her movements.

She carefully strutted her away across the main room. She recognized multiple faces of classmates, and many other faces from other classes. So many Ultimates packed into one party, celebrating the night away. She was quite impressed.

There were a few faces the young maid had not seen before, however. She figured they were from the reserve course, most likely friends of Ultimate students who chose to tag along for the fall house party, not that it mattered to her who showed up. 

She noticed as her partner was chatting with a few other reserve course males, a few of them noticeably drunker than their minds, stumbling and leaning forwards with noticeable rings forming  under their eyes. 

She sighed heavily, unimpressed by his actions. She turned her back to the scene and cautiously made her way to the kitchen, heels clacking against tile, surprisingly loud enough to be heard over the booming party music. 

She let her eyes scan over the sweets and appetizers set out for consumption, her stomach growling with eager hunger. She settled on some well made Dango, gripping the wooden skewer between two of her fingers and lifting cautiously. 

She ambled away from the table of food and stuck to a corner, taking a well deserved bite of  her Dango. The sweet flavor filled her mouth, causing her cheeks to puff out a bit in delight. She savored the flavor as she chewed the sweet rice treat. 

After a swallow, she continued to snack on her desert as she watched the other students enjoy their time. Thats when she noticed them, secluded from all the other Ultimates, glass cup half full in his tiny hands. 

Ryoma Hoshi, the same boy she had kept on running into over and over again.

She figured one of these days they would have to figure out what it was between the two of them that explained why they kept meeting. She kept staring at him, she watched as he took another sip of whatever was in his cup. She assumed Whiskey from the color. 

Others drinking seemed to have her on edge, but she was lenient on the small tennis pro. She didn't exactly understand why. The pool of thoughts swarmed around her head as she took another bite of her Dango. 

Thump. Thump Thump. 

Strident footsteps from behind. She flung around, dress swaying elegantly with her. She was eye to eye with her partner, who was obviously drunker than he could comprehend, anger radiating from his glare.

"Did I giveyaa permissiontaa eat?!" He snapped, swiping the Dango from Kirumi. Fear filled the maids eyes, she shook her head and took a step back. 

He spat in her face as he spoke, his saliva smearing her blush a bit. He slurred on his words, hiccuping after his lines. He grabbed Kirumi by the forearm and pulled her in close, slamming his palm against her cheek, roughly slapping her. 

"Youddon't eat without masters permission!" He hiccuped, barring his teeth a bit. Kirumi's fight or flight kicked in, but all she found herself doing was attempting to make herself even more small and helpless. She wasn't good with most men, especially this one in particular. 

"R-Right.." She choked, feeling tears welling in the corners of her eyes, her throat tight. He kept sputtering out curses to her face, telling her how she was failing him once again, degrading her skill. 

She finally felt his hand separate from her arm, the spot beginning to burn from the pressure. She held it limply with her other hand, pushing up against the back wall behind her. She witnessed as he partner threw away the Dango she was snacking on before stumbling to join his drunk friends. 

Kirumi felt the tears coming, there was nothing to stop the waterfall from cascading. She made a dash for it, which was quite difficult to pull off in the heels she was adorning that night. She slipped into a silent hallway, the muffled sounds of the music blaring from the main hall causing the walls to quiver. 

She pushed up against the wall with her back and slid to the floor, collapsing in a ball of pain and stress. She pulled her legs to her chest and choked on her tears. muffled sounds of internal struggle filling the hall. 

She started to cry heavier tears, filled with much more emotion, as if she had been holding this back for a long while. Pain filled her sobs as she hugged her legs close to her chest, her whole body quivering.

Her tears stained her lovely dress, makeup smearing down her cheeks. Her eyes gradually got red and puffy the more Tojo sobbed, it seemed her tears were not going to stop anytime soon either. 

Then she heard it. The muffled sounds of footsteps down the hallway. She panicked, forcing herself up against the wall with all her might, as if in an attempt to disappear from reality entirely. 

Thoughts swarmed her mind as the sound got closer. She didn't want to be hit again. Anything, she would take almost anything over another slap to her cheeks at the current moment. 

As her sniffling filled the hall, so did the footsteps. They were coming closer.. and closer..

Then it went quiet, deathly quiet. The maid refused to gaze up, too afraid of who or what lay ahead. But she truly wasn't expecting this.

There was a soft sound of the scuffling of fabric.. then...

She felt someones fingers intertwine with hers. 


Hahaha cliffhanger woo~

I enjoy cliffhanger endings, makes writing the next chapter more worth it, plus it gives awesome reactions.

Random thing, but I have started a Oneshots book! Check that out if you want something other than Tojoshi from me! (I do take requests too!)

This one took a tad bit longer to brainstorm, so I apologize, but at least it wasn't a month hehe

Anyways, stay tuned!


🍂♥︎ Autumn Love ~ A Tojoshi (Ryoma Hoshi x Kirumi Tojo) fanfiction ♥︎ 🍂Where stories live. Discover now