➳ 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 10 ~ 𝓘𝓽𝓼 𝓐𝓵𝓻𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 ➳

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Helping was a first instinct. Was it not?
Or was it something else? What was the drive?

His amplified footsteps on tile. His hands tucked in tuxedo pockets. His large, void like eyes witnessing her back to the corner, trepidation painted neatly on her face. Yet he stepped closer...

He removed his hand from his pocket, a hand filled with trauma. A firm, strong hand. One that had been through more than any could comprehend. 

It slipped its fingers between her trembling ones, as the young maid sobbed tears in fear. 

"Its only me.." His deep voice echoed around the hall. It was soothing, almost gentle. It was difficult to mistake it as anyone else but him. "R-Ryoma..?" She choked out, pain seeping through her voice. Her hand tightened around hers, searching for security.

"Yeah.. its me.." He assured Tojo, his heart pounding in his chest, beating echoing in his ears. Why was his face warm? Why did he feel sweat building? 

"H-How did y-you know..?" She coughed a bit of tears out, unable to hold them in for a long while. "We can discuss why later.." He let himself settle on the tile floor, opening his arms. "Let it all out."

Kirumi seemed to accept his offer, shooting forward and wrapping her trembling arms around his small body. Her face buried into his shoulder, her body quivering as she sobbed. He breathed softly, keeping back any tenseness in his muscles so she felt safe. 

"T-Thank you.." She breathed out between her sobs, gripping tighter onto the small tennis player. He only let out a soft sigh, lifting his arm and rubbing her back. "I-Its nothing.." He stuttered, shutting his eyes.

Ryoma? Stuttering? That was something awfully new. 

He was not sure if it was embarrassment, but his face felt warm, almost flushed. Was he blushing? Hoshi was thrown off, wishing the redness would seep away, but it stayed, like a coffee stain on his white tennis uniform. 

His heart was thumping in his chest, threatening to rip through his ribs and spill on the tile. He felt his own hands suddenly wrap around the young maids torso, pulling her in.

What was he doing? What was this?

Then it sunk in. Holding her like this in his arms. Comforting her as she spilled her emotions. Being able to be there for some again, and have someone accept him in with open arms.. he longed for this. 

Ever since they left him.

He felt a ragged sigh escape his body as she pressed her body against his. He felt his own self tense up at the advancement, but he fell more comfortable, resting his chin on her warm shoulder. 

"Its alright Kirumi.." 

His deep voice echoed around the hallway. Then, the sobbing went silent. Kirumi's breath got slower and slower, her weight resting on the smaller boy. He let out a long, heaving breath, his muscular build able to hold her.

"I-It is..?" 

A sorrowful response. A question Ryoma wished was never asked. It was pleaded out of apprehension. 

"Why would I lie. It's a promise." 

A confident, not fully thought out reply. Hoshi had made a decision in moments time, not letting his heart beat for a moment in the opposite direction. He was speaking his emotions. 

He had a place for her, and it was right with him. 

"W-What do you mean promise..?" Kirumi responded with a heave of air. Her hair whisked against Hoshi's nose, he could pick up the scent of her shampoo and styling mouse. 

"You.. can come with me." He replied with full seriousness. The tennis player secured his grip around her waist. "I.. might not make the best roommate, but you have done too much for me to not return all your favors."

The maid seemed quite thrown off by his offer, her muscles stiffening as she took in a deep breath. A hopeful breath. 

"You.. wish for me to reside with you..?" She questioned in return. "Y-You are aware me assisting you is my duty, correct..?"

He pushed back slightly, looking up into her puffy, tear stained eyes. He lifted his arm, resting his hand on her shoulder. "Im.. aware." His face burned with flush, his gaze lowering as he looked down to her legs. 

"So.. why are you being so considerate all of the sudden? This is nothing like you." 

Kirumi was rightfully muddled by the sudden change of heart, but something inside of her flickered like a dimly lit flame. It felt good to be cared about in a way that was outside of her duties. 

On Hoshi's end, he felt safe. He had someone next to him who held her hand out, his life preserver in the sea of guilt his body slowly sunk to the bottom of. 

"Because.. nobody said that I couldn't be." 

He responded, still refusing to look Kirumi in her eyes. She let out a weak, warm chuckle, he seemed to have brought her mood up. 

"If that is what you want.. I do not mind." 

Ryoma wasn't expecting that response. His head shot up without an after thought, his eyes meeting the females. His peachy cheeks were dotted with a warm, pink blush. "H-Hmph.. I did not think you would accept my offer."

She gave him a warm smile, tears from the corners of her eyes cascading and staining her already moistened cheeks. "Its much better than being with him anyway."

He felt a tinge of vexation hit him, his eyes flashing with annoyance and light bloodthrist. 

Don't think that way Ryoma. Don't go back to killing again. 

He forced the thoughts away, having to break his connection with Kirumi to do so. She seemed thrown off by the sudden pivot of the smaller males head, running her finger comfortingly on his rosy cheek. 

"What.. the hell are you doing?" He responded to the advancement, his voice tone ruffled. He could feel his face warming. 

"It is a trick I use on the younger crowd to calm them down, I figured it may be useful for you as well. Of course.. this does not mean you are a child, I-" The maid was cut off by Hoshi.

"I know, Tojo. Your just.. doing your best for me.." He reminisced on his past lover as he spoke that line , balling his fist. 

"Im.. glad you understand." Ryoma caught on to the soft flush that spread its way across the females pale, tear stained cheeks and the tips of her ears. 

The room went silent for a good while, the two seated in embrace, Kirumi calmly stroking the smaller teenagers cheek, both blushes dimmed by the low lit hallway. As the party raged in the main room, Kirumis 'partner' had abandoned her, a usual habit. He could care less whether the maid survived, not even having enough of a heart to truly love her. 

The party slowly began to die, more and more footsteps reverberating around the hall and deafening as they left for the exit. The music volume lowered, the wall quivering eventually coming to a stop. Kirumi and Ryoma separated from each others embrace, staring at each other for a few, quick, slightly awkward moments before Hoshi turned his back. 

"You.. sure you are alright now?" He questioned, a tinge of worry in his tone. 

"Of course, I would never lie to you, Hoshi-Kun."

The nickname gave him butterflies, the same he felt back at the dorm room. He made a fist yet again, kicking his chain. "Yeah yeah.. we should prolly get out of here." He stated, dodging his own inner feelings yet again. 

"Smart idea." The maid harmonized, her heels clacking dully as she walked to his side. He gazed up at the young woman, letting out a huff like chuckle before beginning to walk. 

The two of them were eventually met with the crisp, outdoor air, the moonlight casting an angelic aura over the city off in the distance. Kirumi leaned down and tapped Hoshi, a wild smile spread on her face. 

"Race you to the dorm building, killer tennis!" 

He was not expecting those words to come from her, but with his competitive nature, he accepted her challenge. 

"Hmph, alright then, my skills may be rusty, but Im sure I can blow you out of the water with my Shukuchi method." He declared. 

He noticed as soon as he said that, Kirumi had began running, doing her best in her heels. He let a soft, subtle smile erupt on his face before following, feeling the cold nighttime air on his face as he chased after his new friend...


Tojoshi shippers come get your overdue juice!


Seriously though, Im sooo sorry for how late this is, but I am absolutely shocked by how much this story has grown in my time of being off the app! Long story short, school began yet again, and I was planning on finishing this much earlier but my electronics were taken away so its a bit late, but I hope you guys understand! I think there may be one more chapter after this, maybe two if it comes to it. School is pretty fun so far, thankfully I am virtual. For all of you guys who have to physically go to school, please wear masks and stay safe! Anyway that is all, Stay tuned!!


🍂♥︎ Autumn Love ~ A Tojoshi (Ryoma Hoshi x Kirumi Tojo) fanfiction ♥︎ 🍂Where stories live. Discover now