✨𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 3 ~ 𝓦𝓱𝓸 𝓪𝓶 𝓘, 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓵𝓵𝔂? ✨

688 16 31

Light. Bright light. Beams of sunlight.
The sun gleamed on the sheets of the dorm room bed. Dimmed a little by the curtains, but still bright. Birds chirped from the windowsill their soft morning songs. Ryoma's eyes fluttered open. He pulled himself up and rubbed his tired eyes.

12:00 PM

The time the clock displayed. He grumbled and shot back on his pillow. Overslept yet again. Dense. He let out a grunt as he sat back up, fixing his sleeves and patting the sheets straight in front of him. The television had auto turnoff, so the screen had gone black. He threw the covers off himself and stretched, his back cracking. He slid off the side of the bed, his feet hitting the floor with a small thump. He mumbled to himself and walked over to the curtains, pulling them open.

Sunlight. Bright, blinding sunlight. He covered his eyes with his small, tough hand and turned his back to the window, walking to the dresser yet again and pulling out his usual attire. His usual beanie with the two cat like spikes and design of two tennis rackets was on his head. He wore black and dark blue jumpsuit underneath a black leather jacket with pins that had small :3 faces displayed on the front. Black shoes with red soles and the metal cuff around his ankle that he was unable to remove.

He reached into the pocket of his leather jacket and pulled out a packet of candy cigarettes. Ryoma took one out and popped it in his mouth, chewing on the end. Minty. Sweet, yet sharp. Ryoma had a strange liking for the minty candies. He fixed the collar of his jacket and cuffs of his jumpsuit and sighed, grabbing the dorm room key off of his nightstand. The keychain chimed as it jingled in his hand.

He inserted the key into the lock and twisted. With a click, the door swung open in a breeze of cool air. He stepped out into the hallway and looked down the halls before turning his back and locking the door. He placed his hands in his pockets, keeping his head low as he sauntered down the hall. A few minutes, and then he ended up in the lobby. Bright lights from the chandelier, chattering from the front desk and lounge areas and the clanking of chains on polished tile. Hoshi grumbled and kicked his foot a little, more clanking on the tile.

There were footsteps from one of the lounge areas come up behind him. He flung around to see a small teen standing behind him, of course much taller than him, but compared to the others, he was pretty short. "Nehehee!~" They chuckled, putting a finger up to their lip. They had pale skin and wavy purple-black hair and matching purple eyes. He wore a white suit with straps on either side hanging near his legs loosely, multi colored buttons running down the center of the suit. He wore a black and white checkered bandanna around his neck, hiding the cuff of his suit.

Ryoma let out a sigh. "...Yes Kokichi?" He mumbled, keeping a authoritative gaze on the boy in front of him. "Nehe! Hey there cat boy! I don't see you out much, it baffles me!" He chirped, way too energetic for Ryomas liking. He brushed off how Oma had addressed him as "cat boy", it was normal for Hoshi to be teased. "Even someone like me requires a little bit of fresh air" Ryoma stated, removing the candy cigarette from his mouth and holding it between his fingers. "Ive gotta tell Saihara-Chan that I saw you somewhere else other than our classes! He will be amazed, just you wait!!" Kokichi said with a jumpy attitude, then bolted off yelling out Shuichis name.

Ryoma shook his head and turned his back to the lobby, making his way to the front doors and pushing them open, to be met with the crisp, fall air. He kept his head low yet again, placing the cigarette back in his mouth. The streets were pretty full in contrast to yesterday. Leaves crunched under his small shoe soles. The dorm building got smaller and smaller as he walked the streets, taller people making their ways around his small frame. He kept his pace up so no one passing would trip on his chains.

He had already brushed off the small interaction with Kokichi earlier. He was just a lying, jumpy rat that caused havoc where he stepped. The others views on the boy were unimportant to Ryoma as much as Oma was himself. He turned his head to the other side of the street. An illuminated sign over a door for a small side store. The convenience store Hoshi would always visit. He fixed his posture and waited, eyeing the street both ways, watching for cars. When the street calmed down, Ryoma made a dash. His feet met the grey roads as he zipped across, he moved pretty fast, most likely because of his past in tennis. He was a little rusty with the sport, but he could still best others.

Ryomas feet met sidewalk again and he slowed down, no need to run anymore. He has just missed a car, it went shooting past him. He was finished with the candy cigarette he had in his mouth, plopping another, fresh minty candy between his teeth in its place. As he chewed, he swung open the stores door. It was mostly quiet, a nice, underrated establishment in his perspective. He walked on the tile, chains clanking. He made a turn, holding a fresh packet of candy cigarettes he picked from the shelves as well as some soft smelling body wash.

Hoshi walked up to the counter and stood on his toes to slide his purchases and payment on the countertop. The cashier rung the items up without a word. The person behind the counter didnt remind him of anyone from Hopes Peak Academy, and they didn't recognize Ryoma in return. "Thank you for stopping by" The teen behind the desk said, sliding the bag of goods over to Ryoma, who gripped his hand around the bag handle and took his goods. "Thank you.." Hoshi said in his usual deep voice and turned his back to the counter, huffing a little air.

As Ryoma made his way back to the dormitory, he noticed a figure out of the corner of his eye. "Was that... a cat?" He mumbled to himself as it turned into the alley. An alley cat. Ryoma clenched his fist, then turned the alley corner. It was dark and musty, it seemed like a place some would throw trash without an afterthought. Poor cat, had to live in a place like that. Ryoma noticed the cat snuggled in a box. He knelt near the box and looked at the feline, who looked dirty and scared. "Hey..." Hoshi said soothingly, holding out his hand for the feline to smell. The more he looked, the younger it appeared. A stray kitten, looks like it lost its mother. "Tabby huh..?" He mumbled as it sniffed his hand hesitantly.

"It's alright.. I've got ya, your ok" Ryoma said to the cat, his voice low and soft. He pulled the box closer and set down the bag he received from the convenience store to the side.  "Don't freak out, I'm just moving you into the sun..." he whispered to the kitten, who mewed softly. It's fur was matted, sticks and dirt dirtying it's pale orange pelt. The feline curled up in the beam of sunlight, it seemed content. Ryoma wasn't sure what to do with the small kitten, but his instinct was to take it with him. He ran his hand on its back, feeling it's chest rise and fall, vibrating as it purred.

"Warm huh little guy?" Ryoma chuckled a little. "I bet you haven't felt sun in a while. You seem hungry, what if I took you home with me?" Ryoma said in his deep, soothing voice. The kitten mewed in response. Ryoma thought he was alone. The sun had began to set, the streets getting colder. Tapping of feet even Ryoma couldn't pick up. He was too busy with the lost kitten. Then, a feminine voice.

"Hoshi? Is that you?"


Hey! I got this chapter done sooner than I figured, hallelujah!
It's a little bit longer than the last one, and I promise, next chapter it will switch point of views. I swear, anyways, stay tuned!


🍂♥︎ Autumn Love ~ A Tojoshi (Ryoma Hoshi x Kirumi Tojo) fanfiction ♥︎ 🍂Where stories live. Discover now