New job---- 2

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Its been one full week since I got fired and since my mother called me.
I could still remember everything that happened that day.... Every single thing. It kept replaying in my head like a tape. Trust me, I won't be forgetting that experience soon.

  Then just imagine the nerve my foster parents have... I really can't believe this, how could they?

How could they be angry at me when in this situation I'm the only one who has the right to be angry.  Five years ago, when my foster parents and siblings forced me to do something that was very bad, something that shattered every principal that I have. Something that......

  "Back to earth young lady. Its not the end of the world, life can kick you down but you can't sit there and keep feeling sorry for yourself. You have to pick your self back up.
Here, I saw this ad yesterday and I thought I will save it for you, its a big job. I really think you should go for the interview. Just give it a try, probably you could finally put your certificate into use" Claudianne said with a shrug.

  I looked at her, smiled and took the ad. It really was a big job and the interview was the day after tomorrow! How could it be so soon? One thing was definite though, I was definitely going.

  I stood up and walked into the living room, where the patients where watching television.
Noticing me, Mrs. Delucas looked up and smiled, "Darling, I don't think we have met before, I'm Mrs. Delucas" she said holding out her hand for a hand shake, just this morning we went through the exact same procedure. "Hi, I'm Barbara, but my friends call me Barbie" I said, returning her smile.

"Well no one will be calling you Barbie, because no one here is your friend" said Mrs. Johnson.  I nearly scoffed.

   Sending her a glare, Mrs. Delucas said, "Nonsense, we all are her friends" turning back to me, she said, "Barbie Darling, you are really so beautiful, and has any one told you that you have the most beautiful hair?"

   I smiled, "No ma'am, no one has, thanks a lot."

  "Oh your very much welcome darling, Harry always tells me I have beautiful hair, and I know that he will love your hair too." She said smiling proudly, "He is just out fishing, oh how he loves to fish. He will be back in no time. Then we can all have tea," she finished, still having a bright smile on her face.

  "She's a spy, nobody should tell her anything." It was Samantha, she was being wheeled into the room on her wheelchair.

Turning to me she said, "Put your hands up where I can see them, anything you say or do will be used against you in the court of law." I smiled and slowly walked towards her, "I am not a spy Samantha, I am Barbara. I'm your nurse."

   She looked at me strangely, like she couldn't believe me, but she nodded anyway. Samantha used to be a cop before she got sick. I guess that part never really left.
I left the room then to bring their food, Pancakes and tea.

  "I don't want this!" shouted Mr. Stone, he hardly ever talks, he only talks when he is rejecting food or rejecting a bath or something. "Yes, I also won't be eating that, I hate tea" Mrs. Johnson concurred. Yesterday she demanded for tea, saying she loves it, and today she hates it.  This time I actually did scoff...

"Calm down everybody, we could eat this now, when Harry comes back, he will get each of you whatever you want" Mrs. Delucas came to my rescue as she always does, for some reasons, they always listen to her. Probably because she has this sweet, soft, entertaining, yet commanding  voice.

"Barbara, Mr. Delucas Jnr. is coming to see his grandma." Mrs. Charles yelled from the reception. I knew why she was telling me, she wanted me to behave myself. But how can I behave, this guy is the very reason I lost my job. The bastard..... I can't believe that I was actually falling for this guy. You could say I was his secret admirer, but now....
Now I hated the very sight of him!

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