Quagmire ---14

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    Oh God damn Williams! Why was he being so impossible!?

One week.. One week since we got back from New York and if I wasn't so strong, I would be dead by now!

I dropped the heavy stalk of documents on my desk. I didn't even know that there were this amount of documents in his office.

Yesterday he gave me an even greater stalk. The day before wasn't far from that!

To think that on Monday he was being a complete angel! Now, he was the deuce! The arrogant bastard! Wondering what I did aren't you? Well, nothing! Absolutely nothing!

On Monday afternoon I went into his office to ask if I could leave an hour earlier because Claudianne's help at the home will be leaving at two pm and I offered to lend her a hand.

We were laughing about something which I can't remember right now and I was like, "Liam, I don't know if I could leave about an hour shy of time because I pro..."

He couldn't even let me finish! "Barbara, I was just about to ask you to stay over time because there is so much work to do here." I stared at him... His table was empty, no files. Nothing! I looked around for the 'so much work' and I didn't find any. As if he noticed my stares, he said, "Well, there is so much for us to um... Discuss."

"Being..." I deadpanned.

"Please sit down Barbie." I sat, not gingerly or anything of the sort, I just dropped myself into the nearest chair. "I was thinking about our marriage. Well... If someone comes from New York and notices that well... Here we are not... Like we don't stay together and all... And..."

"Are you asking me to come live with you?!" I blew.

"Well... I am just trying to make it as real as possible."

Live with him! Live with Williams Delucas a multi-billionaire! How thrilling.

I could already see my subconscious dancing around for joy. Truth be told, I would love too!

I frowned.

"I was thinking differently. The people here know nothing about our marriage scam. We could just annul the marriage. Make it null and void! And if anyone from New York is to confront us, we say we got a divorce." That way... We both get out of this mess unaffected.

But he didn't know that... He didn't know of the quaint messages that I have being receiving from that hussy.

"A divorce! Really?!" He was fuming now. But why...

"For one it will save us a lot of trouble! When your father gets out of coma for example, how do we explain this 'marriage'?"

"I will handle it. Ever heard of the saying, 'We will cross the bridge when we get to it?'
I would have handled it Barbie!" The bridge of his nose was red and so was the tip of his ears. I must admit, he looks cute when he is angry...

"Well, I also decided that I will be turning in my resignation and after I get my salary for this month, I intend to get a new job. It will look weird if we get divorced and I still work for you." Yup! I said that.

I had given it a lot of thought and well... If I sell even just half the clothes that Williams had gotten me on our shopping trip, I should be able to pay my already pending rent and the remaining half will help me set myself up until I can find another job. And I still had a job at the home...

"You want to leave! You want to just up and go?!" He said it with scorn written all over his features. I couldn't really say if it was a question or statement so I didn't know what to say exactly.

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