Chapter 10

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I wasnt exactly sure what I was expecting but it wasnt definitely another failing grade. I was trying my best, studying all night with Justin's help but somehow it wasnt enough. Our calculus teacher looked at me in disappointment as she handed me my test paper with a failing mark on top of it.

"Mr. Jensen," She informed me. "Talk to me after class."

I was staring at my paper in disbelief. All of those sleepless nights only to get another failing grade. What was I doing wrong?

Zach peeked at my score and I received a pat on the back from him.

"Dude thats fine," He tried assuring me but it wasnt working. "We all get bad grades sometimes."

"Easy for you to say." I wasnt in the mood to hear anyone's pity party, not from Zach who got an almost perfect score.

"Want me to tutor you?" Zach kindly suggested.

"I'm fine," It was my pride talking. "Thanks though."

The bell rang. It was our last class and usually I would be really happy because I'd get to go home and spend time with Justin but today I felt like shit.

"Want me to come with you?" Zach offered. He knew our teacher in Calculus was not the nicest teacher in this campus.

"Im good," I sighed and asked Zach for a favor. "Can you give Justin a ride? Tell him I might be home late."

"Clay," Zach looked me in the eyes. "Dont do something stupid okay?"

"I wont." At that moment, I wasnt exactly sure if I was lying or not.

"Okay," Zach gave me another pat on the back. Zach was a great patter. "I'll message you once I drop Justin off."

Zached waved his goodbye and the room was now almost empty, except for me and our Calculus teacher. I headed to the teacher's table where she was sitting, going through her bag.

"Ma'am." I caughed, getting her attention.

"Mr. Jensen," She sighed. "I'll be direct to the point, you're failing my class"

"I already tried to add an extra point on your test score but it wasnt enough to pass," She continued. "What's happening to you?"

"I dont know ma'am," It was the truth, I didnt know what was happening to me. "Ive studied days for that test."

"And it didnt work," She spilled the truth. Telling her how hard I studied wont change the fact that I still failed. "Its your senior year Mr. Jensen. I really dont want to fail you but if you keep giving me these grades then."

She stopped, she didnt need to finish what she was saying. I already knew it. If I fail a subject then no graduation for me, no college. I would have to repeat those subjects during summer.

"You want to graduate with your friends right? You want to make your parents proud?" She stood up, her hand bag on her shoulder. "Then focus on your studies. Drop everything, all of these distractions? They're not worth it. prioritize your studies."

I was left alone in the room as I heard her footsteps slowly fading away. The room was quiet but I could hear noises from students in the hallways.

Distractions? All I could think about was Justin Foley's face. He was never a distraction or I never really saw him that way. Justin was there for me every night trying his best to help me study. Justin Foley was far from a distraction.

But I had been prioritizing him, been accompanying him with his support group instead of studying. I even had a dinner with him last saturday when I should be studying and doing my take home quiz.

Was Justin a distraction? I couldnt help but overthink. No. No. This was all my fault. I wish Justin was here right now, to help me, to ease my mind from these toxic thoughts. But he wasnt, he was probably on the way home with Zach at this very moment.

I didnt know what I was doing but all I wanted to do is to drink. To get drunk and maybe forget about my blurry future. I found myself buying a bottle of alcohol on the store nearby. This was the famous store that let underage kids get away with buying alcohol. I was against it but today was an exception, when the the store's irresponsibility was now on my advantage. Finally.

I took a sip and cringed at the taste. I was never a drinker, I was just a casual drinker, would drink one cup or bottle of beer on parties but that was it.

I took another sip but this time I didnt mind the awful taste of the alcohol.

Was Justin Foley dragging me down? I was starting to doubt myself, doubt the bond I created with Justin.

I felt my phone vibrate on my pocket. I checked and it was Justin calling. I saw a text from Zach telling me he already dropped Justin home. I threw my phone on the backseat, not answering the both of them.

My parents would be disappointed if they found out I was failing my classes. My mom already thought Justin was a better son than me. She couldnt know. They couldnt know.

Justin Foley was really better than me my Mom was right but it doesnt mean I wanted to hear it from her.

I could feel the alcohol in my system, my whole body starting to feel numb. I could smell my own breath and it reeks of alcohol.

The road was already getting dark. My parents were probably home already. I would just sneak in the back door so that they wouldnt get the chance to interogate me. It was a short ride but I could feel my chest beating hard from drunk driving.

The back door sneak in was a success. My parents were probably already in their room because the living room and the kitchen was empty.

Was I ready to face Justin Foley? Like this? Drunk and a mess? Was I ready to tell him that there was a chance that I wouldnt graduate with him? Was I ready to look into his face and not be reminded by the teacher and counselor's words? drop what's distracting you.

Was Justin Foley a distraction?

I opened the door knob. Justin's sitting on my bed anxiously tapping his foot on the floor was what greeted me. He stood up when he saw me.

"Where were you?" Justin asked, he was worried and anxious.

"Nowhere." I took a step and I stumbled but Justin caught me.

"Did you drink?" Justin smelled my breath.

"Maybe." I gently pushed Justin and sat on my bed. I took off my shirt, feeling the heat of alcohol coming off of my body.

"Clay," Just was standing in front of me. "Why did you drink? Is there something wrong?"

"Nothing," My body was numb and I couldnt even hear my own voice. "Its nothing Justin. Stop worrying about me, Im not a kid."

"You cant say that." He sat beside me and started rubbing my back. There he was again, helping me, when all I did all day was doubt him. "Clay, why did you drink?"

"I dont know."

"Ofcourse, you know." Justin touched my cheek. "You can tell me anything okay?"

I paused. Letting Justin's voice calm me down once again. "I failed the test. There's a chance I wont graduate with you."

"Clay," I could feel him close to me. "Were still on the first term. I promise you, we will graduate together. I'll help you, I promise."

"Really?" I looked up at him.

"Really," He stood up and sighed. "But now you need to change and rest."

I followed him. Let him took care of me for a change. He helped me dress up to sleeping clothes, made me drink a glass of cold water and tucked me in my bed.

Why did I even doubt Justin Foley?


New chapter is up.

Oh no Clay. You got this. Your boyf- I mean brother will help you!

Were so close to 2k read oh my lord. Thank you so much!! You guys are the best!

- G

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