Chapter 3

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The cafeteria was jam-packed. Everyone from our circle of friends was present on our usual lunch table, except for Zach. He didint appear in any of our classes together.

"Alex did Zach tell you he'd skip school today?" I asked Alex who was not eating anything. He was looking at his phone, he looked bored.

"Nope." He didnt even bother looking at me.

"That's weird."

Alex finally looked up, excitement on his face. "Guys, Charlie just told me there's going to be a party tonight."

"I didng know you were friends with Charlie St. George." Jessica stated the obvious. Charlie St. George was a junior so it was weird to know that Alex and him were friends.

"Im just helping him with a subject." Alex's ears were now a shade of pink.

"Sure," Jessica like any of us wasnt buying it. "Will Charlie host the party?"

"No. He said its by some dude from Hillcrest High." Hillcrest High was one of the few private school in our town.

"Im in." Jessica said, looking at everyone waiting for their answers.

"Sure, I'll ask Caleb to come." It was Tony. Caleb was Tony's boxing trainer and his boyfriend. "You coming Tyler?"

"Uh," Tyler was never a party person. "Im still actually working on this project."

"Live a little," Tony nudged Tyler. "You're coming. Dont worry, I'll drive you home after."

"Were going too." Ani wrapped an arm around my arm.

I looked at Justin. He was uncomfortable, not looking at any of us, avoiding eye contact. Justin was sober from drugs and alcohol for three months. We shouldnt be talking about any of these in front of him.

"I cant," I said. Ani looked at me, here eyebrows were raising. "Justin and I are going to this support group after class."

It was an addiction support group from the phamplet that the guidance councelor gave Justin when he got back to school. The school was aware of Justin's situation.

Justin didnt want to go, he said he doesnt need to talk about his experience to random strangers. But I thought he needed to express and open the cracked bottle inside him, that was filled with self pity and his darkest fear.

I promised Justin that I would go with him. A familiar face to calm his nerves, to make him feel at home in a place full of people looking for their homes.

Oh. Ani mouthed. Her cheerful behavior were no longer there.

"Its fine," Justin joined in. He still looked uneasy. "I can just walk to the place, its not that far."

"Yeah." Ani looked between me and Justin.

"No," I gently rubbed Ani's hands. I already made up my mind. My first priority would always be Justin Foley. "I'll go with Justin."

Ani knew Justin's situation so she backed off and agreed. But I could feel she was a little unhappy. She said she'd just go with Jessica. There was a slight tension on the table. It was silent for a moment.

"Goodluck on the support group, Justin." Alex was the first to break the tension.

"Yeah," Jessica smiled at Justin. They broke up and decided to continue being friends before Justin went to rehab. "Dont be nervous."

"Thank you." Justin smiled shyly. One thing I noticed from Justin, after everything that happened, after the tapes, he seemed like he lost his self confidence.

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