Maybe Another Chance....?

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So it has been 3 weeks since that day I told John about my past. 3 weeks since i've started my training. 3 weeks since Jace told me kissing Ashely was a mistake. 3 weeks since I pranked Jace. 3 weeks since i've seen Jace. 3 weeks since I last talked to him.

The day after I pranked him, he went to some other packs house to discuss expanding our territory. That pack is quite far so there was apparantly a lot of traveling to do. He has been there ever since and I think he will be coming tomorrow. I couldn't have cared less but my wolf was crying almost every night because her mate was not near her. It made me sad but i remembered the things we talked about.


I walked to the lake and sat where John and I had sat in the morning. "Alright talk."

"Nothing to say. I'm pretty sure you know anyways."  My wolf told me annoyed.

"Why won't you talk to me and just tell me the problem?"

"Because you're hurting my mate! The things you do to him is just sad! I get you're scared of what Sam did but Jace is our mate, he would never hurt us."

"I'm sorry? Were you not there when I caught him having a tongue fight with that girl?!" She was quiet. "Okay, see, that's what I thought. I'll give him time but if he doesn't step up his game, then i'm leaving."

"Okay." She whispered and then I heard a twig snap and I turn around to face John and Gabe. Our first training session was to begin.


Ever since then, my wolf wouldn't talk to me but she would sometimes cry and whimper. I tried my best to ignore but sometimes it would get too anniying so i would tell her to suck it up and that would usaully work.

Now, ever since then, John and Gabe have been taking me out to the lake at 7pm sharp and we do a lot of traning. When i say a lot, i mean like me producing buckets of sweat and my body paining in the morning but John would give me some pain killers and Gabe would encourage me to eat healthy and i lost a few kilograms and i have also gained 2 abs. Woohoo!

Our trainings consisted of us going for about 8 mile runs and the first few days i would pretty much walk it but now i can run the whole thing. We would sometimes train in our human forms and sometimes in our wolf forms. I've gotten really good at fighting. Today I was going to fight John. The day before yesterday, i beat Gabe. He was hard and he got plenty of scratches on me. I was so sore when i woke up the next day. But i'm okay now.

I changed into my fighting gear as i got ready for another training session with my brothers. I grabbed my bottle and ran to the lake. Gabe and John were already there, waiting for me. 

"Sorry i'm late!" I yelled, as i took my shoes off and placed my water bottle next to it. They looked up at me and smiled before starting to talk amongst themselves. The day before i fought Gabe, John took Gabe and I to the mall and he bought us some new clothes and anything else we needed. He is a good brother.

"You ready?" I asked John as i jogged up to them. He looked at me and nodded. Gabe walked back and stood on the dock. John and I walked in opposite dirrections and stood facing each other. We were about 10 feet away from each other and I said, "Don't hold back!" while getting in a fighting position.

"Didn't plan on doing so!" He smirked and then changed into his wolf. I side grinned then shifted as well.

"Go!" Gabe shouted and then John launched at me and i saw it coming so i side stepped the move and when he landed on the ground and turned around, i jumped on his back, snapping at his neck. He growled and then fell back wards, landing on his back, well my back and i let go, whimpering. He got on top of me and started snapping at my neck. I pulled my feet in and kicked his stomach, sending him flying untill he hit a tree. He fell and i ran towards him. He got up and growled at but it didn't scare me. I jumped in the air but did a 180 degree spin and my back legs hit his jaw and he fell to the side. I gave him a wolfy grin but he growled again and got up.

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