This Is So Un Real

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The level to excitement i hold for finding my mate is indescribable. Now that I think back, I feel like something was missing in my life, something that was so obvious but I was blind. And I now I have that thing. Kind of like rapid filler; shes already covering all my holes tht fast.

But when I growled her for eating my noodles, she looked so fragile and scared. I didn't mean to hurt her, and nor will I ever.

I don't know why she is so scared of me. Am I that scary? All I want to do is to show her that I love her. But she won't let me. Gabe did tell me that his old pack were cruel people, but that was it. I need to find out about her. I know, I am a bit nosey.

Right now, all that matters is her. She is in the spotlight now. Thank goodness I broke it up with that slut, Ashley. She was to be the Luna, but the old spiritual lady told us that she had a vision, a vision that showed me with a girl who did not look like Ashley. That's why I broke it off with her and why my father handed me the Alpha position.

I want her, I need her. But I’ll wait until she is ready. Then again, I'm not a very patient person.


I wake up with a snoring Gabe on the other bed. He looked so cute, and innocent. I smile at him and look at the clock, it was 7am. I sigh then go and have a shower. After the soothing shower, I wore my underwear, and normal home clothes. I tied my dry hair in a messy bun then left the bathroom. I sat on the bed and put some socks on and my black chucks after. I looked back at the clock and it was 7:53am. I walk to the door and slowly open it then close it, making sure I did not wake Gabe up. I stand and look at the empty hallway. I can tell that everyone was still asleep. Not one sound in the house, besides snoring and breathing. I wonder why? I shrug it off and walk down to the kitchen.

It was empty too. I walk over to the fridge and read the calendar. Someone has been marking off each day. Ohh, it was Sunday today. Everyone’s sleep in day. I mentally slap my forehead. I open the fridge to find a carton of milk. It was half empty- or half full - so I decided to drink it straight from the carton. I walk into the lounge and man was it huge! It has about five 3 seater sofas, 2 facing the other 2 and in-between, one huge glass coffee table, and at the end was the fifth sofa then right at the end, hung a 70 inch plasma TV. I raised an eyebrow as I walked out, feeling out of place.

I walk into another room and to me it looks like the gaming room. There was 50 inch plasma TV that hung from one wall and beneath I could see a ps3, Wii, Xbox and Kinect? I also see there is a pool table and there are some lazy-boy sofas and chairs around. I walk over to the ps3. My brother had one in his room and I would sometimes go and play black ops with him. I look through all there games and nearly cry, seeing that they have black ops. I grin and pull a sofa in front of the TV and play.

I loved this game so much! I was playing and sipping the milk when I heard footsteps behind me.

"So that’s where the milk was." I heard a familiar voice say. I look behind and see John there, with a smirk on his face. He was wearing grey sweats and no shirt. I looked at his 6 pack but then looked back at my game. For some reason, it felt weird checking him out. And I don't mean that weird as in 'I have a mate and I can only look at him that way'. Nope! It was a gross weird.

"Sorry." I mumble. He walks over to me then sits down on the floor and leans onto the sofa. He looks up at the screen, just as I killed a terrorist.

"You're not half bad." He stated, making me grin.

"Good enough to beat you." I challenge him and he instantly has a controller in his hands.

"You're on." I quickly save my progress and go to the multiplayer options. We versed and
 I of course beat him. We verse again after him stating that he went easy on me. I beat him again. I hold my hands up high and say,

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