Pack Meeting

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"You're so mean!" I yelled as Cliff continued to throw popcorn at me. It was just us two in the lounge. I was lying down the same way and same sofa as last night. Cliff was on the sofa to my right but was facing the tv, his back leaning on the armrest and his feet sprawled on the love seat.

"Hahaha, why thank, i try my best!" He continued to throw a couple more untill the tv started to show like the producers and crap, the things they show before a movie. "Now shut up, i'm trying to watch." He started to shove popcorn in his mouth. I rolled my eyes and day dreamed, while staring at the tv screen.

Jace had gone to his dads house, like he told me in the morning. He left right after breakfast. Our date was in about 4 hours and i thought i would pass the time by hanging out with Cliff, because he was the same age as me, and my brothers had taken their mate out and no one was at home.

Cliff is not what he seemed like on my first impression. He is such a cocky bastard! He's always annoying me and has these smart a$$ remarks. But he's pretty cool and i've gotten closer to him.

"Uhh, Cliff, what movie is this?" I asked, starting to get a little scared because i noticed the familiar chainsaw.

"Chainsaw Masacare! It's the best horror ever!" he said excitedly before putting another handful of popcorn in his mouth.

"Turn it off! Cliff you know i hate horror movies!" He laughed but shook his head.

"That's why i picked it." I could hear the smirk in his voice. I got up and sat indian style in the middle of the love seat. I brought a pillow to my face, trying to hide the disturbing pictures.

I would have grabbed the remote but Cliff had it and i feared that something might grab me if i stood up. See what these movies do to me!

"Cliff i hate you so much right now! Turn it off!" I yelled.

"Neh! Come and get the remote, but watch out, i saw a shadow near the door." I shot my head towards the door and was relieved to find it was empty. I glared daggers at his back, as if that would work.

Then suddenly the masked man on the screen cut a girls head off with his chainsaw! That was freaking scary as shit! Cliff was laughing his head off. But i screamed and covered my face with the pillow.

"She was such an idiot. Trying to escape! Ha! I would turn wolf and beat the shit out of that guy!"

"You idiot! She's not a wolf and this is not real." I said, taking a deep breath in.

"Yeah, it's based on a true story." He said shrugging his shoulders and that made me scream my lungs out! Then i saw a shadow at the door and i pointed my finger to it and screamed louder. Then the lights switched on and Jace stood at the door with a confused expression.

"Jace, oh my gosh!" I ran into his arms and he hugged me back. Then we pulled back and he looked at my eyes, his held worry.

"Why were you screaming?" I flipped myself so i was now standing behind him, only my head showing.

"Cliff made me watch a horror movie that's based on a true story!" Cliff stood up and put his hands in a surrendering positon.

"Hey, i told you to came and get the remote." He argued.

"Yeah, but you told me you saw a shadow at the door!" I snapped, taking a step next to Jace and placing a hand on my hip. Jace looked at us amused and then finally said,

"Cliff, clean this up and then patrol west." Cliff looked at Jace in shock.

"But today was my day off?" He said like a little boy that didn't get what they wanted.

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