Pack Warrior

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I felt Ira go limp in my arms and i had known that she had fallen asleep. I wanted to sleep too but i also wanted to savour this moment. This could possibly be the last time she allows me to hold her.

I know that the only reason she is letting me hold her is because she is tired and probably can't fight it.

I think as i trace little patterns on her arm. I want us to work. I'll do anything it takes for that to happen. I'm going to try my best to control my wolf, in fact i'm going to my dads house tomorrow so he can help me.

But before i leave, i want to ask Ira out on a date. This time, nothing can stop that from happenin. Except from the 2 letter word that might come oout of Iras mouth. No. I hope she doesn't say that, my heart would literally break if she did.

But i'm determined to get her, to win her heart. I'll do whatever it takes.

I inhaled her scent once more before closing my eyes and falling into a dreamless sleep.


I woke up because i felt something move under my arm. I peeped and eye open and saw Ira trying to get out of my grasp. I let out a low chuckle, hoping she wouldn't hear me, but she did. She shot her head up to look at me and she frowned.

"You've been watching me this whole time?" She basically yelled. I shook my head.

"Nah, i just woke up now. What time is it?"

"It's around 6:30am." My eyes widened. What was she doing up this early?

"Where are you going this early?" I said, tightening my grasp on her waist. "Please don't leave me."

She sighed and then rolled her eyes, "Chill, i need to go loo." She didn't even blush. She looked at me waiting for an answer. I chuckled then lifted my arm up. She immediatly shot up and ran to the bathroom. That girl is so straight forward. She'll make a good Luna.

I turned around so my stomach was on the bed and the side of my hands were under my head lying on the pillow. I was facing the side Ira was sleeping on which was away from the bathroom.

I inhaled her scent which was all over my bed, and it relaxed me. I let out a small sigh and closed my eyes. Then, something jumped on my back and straddled me.

"Mother f***er!" I screamed out in shock but when i heard Ira laugh, i laughed too. She sat on my naked back and started punching it in a rhythm. It was relaxing because everytime she punched me, it left little sparks. Then she stopped and jumped to the side of the bed, facing me. She gave me a small smile and i returned it.

"I don't know why i'm not mad at you. I should be because you almost killed Jack and you found me. But for some reason i'm not." She whispered, looking into my eyes. Her eyes held confusion and honesty. "Oh well, must be a mate thing and you're lucky i'm not on my period." She smiled and i chuckled.

"Yes, i think everyone is lucky." I chuckled. She opened her mouth to form and O and then she playfully punched me.

"Whatever! So, what's your plans for today?" She asked, sitting up and leaning onto the headboard, sitting indian style. I didn't want to lie with her, so i told her the truth.

"Well, i'm going to my dads house so he can teach me how to control my wolf." I sat up and copied her sitting position. She turned her face to look at me. "I'm doing this for you." She smiled and her eyes held respect. Woohoo! That was a step right? "Want to come?" I asked as an after thought.

"Uhhh, no thanks. I think i'll pass on that." I chuckled and then nodded. We sat there in an awkward but peaceful silence then i decided it was time to ask her.

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