Ch. 3

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Zon makes his way carefully to the cafeteria for lunch, desperately trying to avoid Saifah. Glancing up, he spots the tall boy among the crowd and pulls his hat down lower on his head. He ducks behind Japan and Tanthai as they get closer.

"Hurry up," Zon urges as they near Saifah. He still hasn't confronted him since agreeing to perform a guitar song. Thankfully Zon makes it to the table unnoticed by Saifah.

"What's your deal with Saifah?" Japan questions, "I thought you agreed to perform the song with him. Don't you sorta have to be near him?"

"Shhh" Zon groans, "I didn't mean to, it was a slip of my stupid mouth with a mind of it's own. I still hate the guy."

"He's not that bad a guy, Zon" Junior reasons as he sits down.

"Yes he is! He is a total jerk," Zon argues.

"Who's a jerk?" Saifah smirked, who unbeknownst to Zon had been standing behind him, listening to their conversation. Zon jumped to his feet, spinning to face Saifah.

"YOU, asshole!" Zon shouts angrily, "Why are you eavesdropping on others, because you're being a jerk again?"

Saifah laughs lightly, causing Zons eyes to narrow.

"Actually silly," Saifah said while stepping forward to nudge Zon, "I just found out from P'Soda that you agreed to the guitar performance". Zon hopped on top of the chair to stand even with Saifah, crossing his arms angrily.

"So," Zon said snidely.

"So," Saifah said, amused by his irritation, "I was coming to inform you that we need to take photos at 5pm tonight, and then I was thinking we could practice some. I heard that you have never played before and might want some help".

"Ughh," Zon groaned, "I'll be there at 5 I guess". Upon seeing Saifahs satisfied grin he quickly added, "But I don't need your help!" before storming off. Saifah stood there shaking his head, amused, before walking off as well.



Zon walked towards the band room thinking about the soulmate note he had received on his wrist earlier, two notes actually.

His height is so adorable

I wish he would look me in the eyes more often, they're so beautiful

The first comment he was choosing to ignore, he was not short! His height was not adorable, he was a very average height of 5'7. Who was his soulmate, some female giant!? But the second comment left him wondering. It meant that he had talked to, or at least made eye contact with him today. He searched his memory but the only girl that he had talked to was Hwa Hwa, Tutor's friend, but she had already met her soulmate, Day.

That left his options only with the numerous guys he had conversed with. But, that couldn't be ... right? Zon shook his head, clearing his thoughts. He only hoped he could know who his soulmate was soon, that way they could get over that whole enemy thing.

Zon glanced at his watch, seeing that it was already 5, he sprinted towards the band room. He walked in to see Saifah already seated while P'Soda and P'Luktan arranged the camera.

"Hi my Zon!" Saifah teased, smiling and waving at him. Zon rolled his eyes muttering a quick hello before dropping his stuff. He sat down as far as possible from Saifah.

"Okay Zon and Saifah," P'Soda said eagerly, "Me and Luktran are just going to take a few photos for the Cute Boy fanpage!" P'Luktran stood behind the camera while P'Soda inspected the boy's positioning.

"You guys need to move a little closer together," P'Soda instructed as Zon and Saifah begrudgingly scooched an inch closer. P'Soda sighed, "Much closer than that!" Saifah and Zon exchanged unenthusiastic looks before moving next to each other.

"Much better!" P'Soda encouraged running over to them.

"Now turn your heads.." She grabbed both Saifah's and Zon's heads turning them towards each other, so there was barely a finger width space between the boys' noses. Zon and Saifah exchanged another glare as P'Soda ran back to the camera.

Zon felt a new soulmate note appear on his wrist causing him to wonder if his soulmate was in this room. Had P'Soda and P'Luktran met their soulmates yet? Could it be Sa- no, definitely not, Zon concluded shaking his head. He made a mental note to check what it said later.

"Just like that!" P'Soda and P'Luktran squealed collectively.

"Okay, one last thing," P'Soda asked, "Zon can you take your hat off real quick?"

"NO!" Zon replied without hesitation, if his soulmate was in this room, he definitely didn't want to reveal his soulmate mark. He wanted to be able to meet his soulmate and resolve their problems before they knew they were soulmates. Just like Fighter and Tutor.

"Jeez," Saifah teased, "someone must have bad hat hair"

Zon just scowled up at Saifah, not breaking eye contact as he glared.

"Fine," P'Soda concluded, too tired to deal with a stubborn Zon, "this will have to do".

P'Luktran quickly took some photos, promising to send them the one they would post tomorrow. She then packed up the camera and left P'Soda to hand over the key to the practice room.

"Alright looks like we are all done here, thank you for your time boys! -Op! And before I forget," P'Soda reached into her pocket, "Here is the practice room key. Feel free to use it at any time!" She handed it over to Saifah then waved goodbye and left, leaving Saifah and Zon there alone.

The two boys stood there awkwardly, not sure what to say.

"Soo.." Saifah drawled, "Did you want to practice now"

Zon, still not too thrilled by the thought of spending extra time with Saifah, alone, reluctantly agreed.

Saifah smiled, "See my Zon! You do need my expert help!" he teased.

The corners of Zon's mouth turned up slightly before his scowl reappeared and he glanced up at Saifah, "don't make me regret it," He warned. Saifah just shook his head before leading Zon out of the room. 


Thank you all for reading! Just thought I'd share that el and I call Fighter's dad Homophobic John. Anyways hope you enjoyed :)

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