Ch. 5

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The dinner went rather smoothly. Everyone seemed to get along very well and it was quite fun. Tutor and Day had just left due to plans with their soulmates early the next day, leaving Saifah and Zon alone for dessert.

"Mmmh," Zon moaned as he chomped down on his slice of chocolate cake. Saifah let out a laugh, enjoying watching Zon savor his cake. Once the two boys finished their cake the waiter quickly came by to drop the check. Zon offered to pay for his meal but Saifah refused him, insisting that he treat Zon because he was the one who invited him.

"Oh!" Saifah interjected as they were walking out, "I just remembered, I have plans with my family for lunch tomorrow. I'm not sure when that will end so maybe we can do the guitar lessons early in the morning?" Saifah turned to look at Zon.

"Ughh," Zon groaned, "But tomorrow's Saturday, you know how much I hate mornings!" Zon glanced up at Saifah just to see him making his puppy eyes. Damn it, Zon thought, he knew he couldn't resist the puppy eyes.

"Fine," Zon agreed reluctantly.

"Yay!" Saifah cheered, satisfied his puppy eyes had worked, "Maybe you can even come over later if lunch ends early" Saifah winked at Zon. When Saifah realized Zon hadn't replied he quickly added, "that is if you want of course, you don't have to, I know you already would be seeing m-"

"Sai!" Zon interrupted, "I'll be there". Zon smirked at Saifah's dumbfounded expression as he waved before turning and heading home. Saifah stood there for a second, comprehending what just happened before a grin spread across his face.

"Okay, my Zon!" He teased, "I guess you really couldn't get enough of me in one day! See you tomorrow". A smile spread across Zon's face, hidden from Saifah as he walked away. He let out a small chuckle as he flipped Saifah off, still walking away.

Saifah laughed before he too turned and returned to his dorm.


8:00 am

"Why the fuck, is my alarm going off on the fucking weekend!" Zon cried before snoozing the alarm and rolling back over.

Five minutes later

"Shiiii!" Zon cried leaping out of bed remembering the plans he made with Saifah. He told him he would be there at 8:15 and it took 7 minutes to walk there. Zon leaped out of bed rushing to put on his clothes before sprinting out the door. Not even waving goodbye to his mom who stood there, mouth agape.

"Where is he going at this hour on a Saturday?" His mom murmured, shaking her head, "Kids these days, sleeping till 2pm one day and leaving at 8am the next".


POV Saifah

Saifah took in Zon's ruffled appearance as he rushed into Saifah's room. Huh that's weird, Saifah thought, he seems to have forgotten his hat. I don't think I've ever seen him without it.

"Sorry I'm late," Zon apologised, "my mom made me help her make breakfast and do some chores before I left". Saifah chuckled, shaking his head, catching Zon's lie. He knew how much Zon struggled with waking up in the morning.

"Did your mom also make you leave your hat at home?" Saifah teased with a smirk. He watched in confusion as a look of horror overcame Zon's face.

"Shii," Zon cried out in distress, grabbing his head.

"Hey, hey," Saifah interrupted, suddenly concerned. He reached out to grab Zon's shoulders, "it's okay, I think your hair is very cute. I don't know why you always wear the hat." Zon visibly relaxed at that, smiling a little.

"Okay, let's get started," Saifah grabbed the guitar and sat down on the bed, patting the seat beside him for Zon. Zon started playing as Saifah reached his arm around Zon's shoulders to help him.

As Zon directed his attention away from Saifah and back towards the guitar, Saifah took a moment to study Zon's face. He was so cute. Wait a second, Saifah thought, what was that just inside Zon's ear? Saifah looked closer. Could it be? Saifah touched his own ear. Zon wouldn't have seen it because he was so short. That could be why Zon always wears the hat

"Are you okay?" Zon asked, stopping playing for a second upon noticing Saifah's shocked expression. Saifah thought for a second considering if he should tell Zon. He realized that there must be a reason he always hides his soulmate mark. Saifah came to the realization that Zon probably doesn't want his soulmate to know. Interesting.

"Yup I'm fine," Saifah lied. Zon gave him a weird look, not believing him.

"I just remembered I need to buy my mom a gift for when I meet her," Saifah added. Zon just shook his head.

"Weirdo," Zon murmured before going back to playing. Saifah didn't have much time to consider the new information before Zon interrupted his thoughts again.

"Ouch!" Zon cried, "my fingers hurt so much from strumming." Saifah grabbed Zon's right hand, inspecting it with a concerned expression.

"You need a pick," He concluded, "You should buy one soon that way you can practice with it before the concert". Zon looked up at Saifah, meeting his gaze with puppy eyes.

"What?" Saifah questioned as Zon continued the puppy eyes.

"Can you come with me to buy one later tonight after your lunch?" Zon pleaded. Saifah made a face to cover his excitement over going out with Zon.

"I suppose..." Saifah trailed.

"Yay!" Zon cried, jumping up. Saifah couldn't help but smile as he beheld the giant grin on Zon's face.

"Okay," Zon announced, "I am going to leave now so you can go buy your mom a gift. But, I will be back around 5 to go shopping?"

"Sounds great," Saifah agreed. He watched Zon walk out of his room and waited until Zon had closed the door before jumping up and letting out a cheer.

Saifah began to prepare for lunch, trying to consider if he actually should get a gift for his mom, but his thoughts were clouded with thoughts of Zon and this new information.

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