Ch. 6

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Zon couldn't wait for this evening. Over the past few days he had grown a lot closer to Saifah. He might even say they were friends. It was sorta strange to him how after they had moved past their Faii disagreement that they actually clicked. Zon found that he wasn't as nervous as he thought he would be at the idea that Saifah might have seen his soulmate mark. He found that he trusted him.

Zon looked down at his most recent soulmate note

I want to run my fingers through his hair, it looks so soft

This note, although it made Zon blush, sort of scared him. It meant his soulmate had seen him without his hat on. He also knew that it meant he had seen his soulmate today and the only person he could remember encountering was Saifah. Surprisingly though, the thought of Saifah being his soulmate wasn't the part that scared him, he was just scared that Saifah wouldn't accept him. He was also scared of the possibility that it wasn't Saifah, and he wasn't ready to meet his soulmate.

He pushed these thoughts to the back of his mind as he felt his phone vibrate. He looked down to see a text from Saifah:

Lunch just ended. Feel free to come over whenever you're ready

Zon quickly typed out a reply:

OK, be there in 15

Zon got dressed then headed over to Saifah's slightly nervous for their outing.


Zon and Saifah stumbled into Saifah's dorm clinging to each other while laughing hysterically over some random thing at around 10:30pm. Their shopping adventure had been a success. They had found a pick for Zon and then proceeded to explore the city. Saifah had insisted on paying for everything Zon wanted, resulting in Zon jokingly calling him his sugar daddy. The two ended their shopping by sharing dinner together at a nearby restaurant.

Zon had felt many soulmate notes appear but had disregarded them, not giving a single thought to whoever his soulmate was. He could meet his soulmate at that very moment and he wouldn't give a fuck. He was having one of the best days of his life.

After Zon voiced concerns about losing his new pick, Saifah offered to take Zon back to his dorm to create a bracelet to hold the pick.

"Yo Zon," Saifah called, "You can go sit on my bed, I'll be done with the bracelet in a sec".

"Okay," Zon replied, flopping on the bed. Saifah's bed was so comfy, and his room was so cozy. Although he had to admit he was a little confused by the abundance of British stuff.

Saifah laid down on the bed next to Zon, handing over the bracelet. Zon examined the bracelet before fastening it to his wrist.

"Thank you so much!" Zon said, turning to Saifah who now had a big grin across his face. Zon returned the smile. Standing up Zon added, "I should probably be heading home now".

"You know," Saifah drawled nervously about what he was going to say next, "it's pretty late, its already 11, you could just spend the night here". Saifah cast his gaze towards the ground.

"Are you sure..." Zon said uncertainly, "I don't want to be a burden".

"I don't mind," Saifah reassured, "Why are you scared," Saifah smirked. Zon crossed his arms.

"Of course not!" He defended, not wanting Saifah to think he was some sort of chicken. "I'll stay," Zon concluded.

"Well then get back down here you goofball," Saifah laughed, pulling Zon back into the bed on top of him.

"Hey!" Zon cried out as Saifah started to tickle him. "Stop it, stop!" But Zon's protests were quickly drowned out by his laughter. Suddenly Saifah yanked Zon's hat from his head, and tousled his hair. Zon pulled away reaching for the hat, but Saifah just held it higher.

"Give me that back!" Zon pouted, jumping to try and get the hat, but Saifah was just too tall.

"Why? It's not like I haven't seen you without the hat before," Saifah teased. Zon paused then considering that.

"Ugh, I supposed it's fine then," Zon sank back down onto the bed, curling up under the covers.

Saifah made his way to the bathroom to get ready for bed before joining Zon in bed. The two were both staring at the ceiling, overly aware of the others' presence when suddenly Zon rolled over to face Saifah.

Half asleep, Zon murmured, "You know you aren't that bad of a guy, Sai, I actually enjoy hanging out with you". Zon then dropped his head down on Saifahs chest, asleep. Saifah lay there for a second pondering what Zon had said. He brought his hand up to ruffle Zon's hair.

He whispered, "I like you too, my Zon". Before he too then drifted to sleep.


Zon awoke to the feeling of two strong arms holding him tight. Zon blinked a couple times before his eyes focused on the sleeping face in front of him.

Saifah looks so cute when he sleeps, Zon thought. Wait a second... SAIFAH??

Zon yelped. Jumping up out of the bed, then falling onto the floor taking the blankets with him.

"Huhh," Saifah groaned, rubbing his eyes. He turned to see what had happened. In doing so he revealed to Zon how he was dressed in just his boxers.

"Ahhh!" Zon cried as he started freaking out. "Did we use protection? Oh shit am I gonna get pregnant? I'm too young to be a father! Oh no oh no oh no!" Zon grabbed his hair in distress.

"Zon!!" Saifah yelled to get his attention. "We just slept," Saifah explained, shaking his head at Zon's antics.

"Anyways, I'm going to go get ready, see you tomorrow". Saifah got up and walked towards the bathroom, leaving Zon sitting on the floor. 

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