Chapter One: A Meeting No One Expected

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Maleficent was exhausted.

She loved caring for the vampires and humans under her line, sharing her castle with her people not only for their protection, loyalty, and company but sometimes Mal spent so much time in her office staring at maps of territories trying to find out where the next strike against her will come from she finds herself in a state of mind she would much rather slip out of.

Sometimes going downstairs to where her property - the humans under her line of protection lived in her house was too easy. Sometimes she missed hunting or at least, the more modern version of hunting most modern vampires used when they didn't have a line.

Being a master vampire had its pluses, Mal would not deny that and the responsibility that came along with her line was one she held close to her non-beating heart but it was fun for her to act as a no name vampire, a vampire who's vivid purple hair didn't strike fear into their hearts. Coming against Mal was almost as bad as running into Vlad Tepesh, a vampire more commonly known as Dracula but if anyone ever said that to his face it was asking to die a painful death.

Sexism was still a problem in the vampire world, even with the same abilities as Vlad and the age to match, Mal also better known as The Dragon to vampire society she was still seen as a smaller threat than he. Anyone who underestimated Mal was to die by their head exploding off their shoulders with fire after Mal had touched them, it only took one touch with vampires and humans alike.

Tonight though, Mal was not trying to murder anyone and that fact alone was enough to make her smirk as she walked along the dark quiet streets of Auradon City. It was about ten past midnight and anyone out this late on a Friday night was usually already at least a little buzzed and already easier to green eye into her compulsion.

Auradon had been Mal's home for over hundreds of years and her castle was one of the only few castle's left renovated in the city she had miles of land so no one could easily head to her castle without being noticed by one of her people first, but this also meant most days Mal flew well out past her castle walls and straight to the real city life.

Mal went past the clubs, the restaurants, and the bars too many people would be there in groups so instead she head to the car parking garages where people would lowly disperse out of their groups and be alone and quiet enough for Mal to drink from without being seen. It didn't matter if Mal was seen, she would handle it easily. Humans were very easy to control but there was no point in a fuss if their didn't need to be. So Mal easily walked into the parking garage, closed her eyes and listened.

She could hear the thoughts of different people, their footsteps, the sounds of their cars starting up. When she heard people's thoughts they were usually just like words coming out of their mouths the only difference to Mal was that their was usually more swearing or more outlandish things that you would rarely hear aloud. So Mal was completely puzzled when pictures began forming in her mind.

It was fuzzy at first but appeared to be the parking garage on the wall a letter 3 in bold yellow.

Mal did not picture that herself.

It became clearer as well as new footsteps heading closer to her.

Someone was thinking in the form of pictures instead of words.

ADHD? Mal wondered, everyone's brains worked different but pictures and emotions coming off inside someone's head usually meant they were dyslexic or had ADHD severely but it was so rare Mal barely ever came across it in her five hundred years. It intrigued her. Mal knew there were probably cameras inside the parking garage so she couldn't fly her way to level three but started a quick pace to the stairs she didn't bother with the elevator since she didn't hear it start up or the footsteps moving further away from her. They were getting closer. So Mal made it look like she was walking towards the steps and takes a quick look over her shoulder just as a person turns the corner.

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